Student and mentor during writing appointment

Booking an appointment with a writing mentor

If you need support structuring your writing assignment, understanding grammar, or finding resources to help with your writing process, make an appointment with a writing mentor.

What to bring to your appointment

Assignment instructions

Our mentors can provide the most accurate support when we know exactly what your professor is asking for, so bring a copy of your syllabus, assignment instructions and/or rubric so we can make sure you’re on the right track.


You don’t need to have started your assignment to come see us, but if you have, bring in your draft at whatever step of the writing process you’re at so our mentors can provide insight into developing your work.

Something to take notes with

Bring your laptop, iPad, or a notebook and pen to take notes so that what you learn continues to help you after you leave.

Student and mentor during a writing appointment

Contact us

Academic Writing Help Centre

110 University Private
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5

Office hours

The AWHC is open Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Virtual appointments are offered until 4:30 p.m.