The Adapted Exam Centre works with professors and the faculties to organize, administer, prepare and proctor in-person and online exams for students registered with the Academic Accommodations Service, under which it operates.


Student confirmation of accommodations

When the Adapted Exam Centre receives a Notice of Examination (NOE) that concerns you, you’ll be notified by email. You should log into Ventus to select the accommodation measures you need and confirm your attendance to the Adapted Exam Centre.

No exceptions are made for late submissions.

Regular assessment (tests and mid-term exams)

You have seven calendar days before the exam date to confirm your accommodations in Ventus.

Accommodation measures can't be changed after this date.

Final exam period (April 5 to 25, 2025)

Your final exam schedule will be finalized on your Ventus on March 3, 2025, at 11:59 p.m.

You have until March 10, 2025, at 11:59 p.m. to confirm your accommodations for a final exam in Ventus. 

You must inform your faculty about any scheduling conflicts as soon as possible.

Accommodation measures can't be changed after this date. 

Examination process

Before your exam

  1. You’ll receive an email from Ventus indicating that a Notice of Examination (NOE) has been submitted.
  2. Log into Ventus to select your adapted measures and confirm that you’ll be writing the exam by the deadline (see the "Student confirmation of accommodations" section).
  3. The Adapted Exam Centre or your professor will put in place the accommodation measures set out by your learning specialist, which you will have confirmed in Ventus.
  4. You’ll receive an email from Ventus confirming the date, time and location of your exam, as well as any other necessary information.

Exam day

  1. Arrive at least 15 minutes before your exam. If you arrive more than 30 minutes after an in-class exam has begun, you won’t be allowed to write the exam (see Academic Regulation A-8, section 8.5).
  2. When you arrive, show the proctors all the tools and items you’ve brought.
  3. Personal effects, cellphones, smart watches and other communications devices are forbidden in the examination rooms.
  4. Any unauthorized electronic device or communication tool must be shut off, stored and out of reach (see Academic Regulation A-8, section 8.5).
  5. You must stay in the examination room for at least one hour after the start of the exam.

Advise one of the proctors immediately if:

  • You see differences between the exam environment and the accommodation measures agreed on.
  • You see something unusual in the exam material (for example, if pages are missing).
  • You have questions or concerns about your exam. When possible, steps will be taken to contact your professor at the number provided beforehand. Proctors can't answer questions about exam content.


  • You can’t contact learning specialists during an exam.
  • Accommodation measures established with your learning specialist are considered reasonable.
  • Accommodation measures CAN’T be changed once the deadline to confirm your participation in an exam has passed.
  • You’re responsible for managing your time during the exam. We recommend that you have access to an analogue watch.

Withdrawal from an Adapted Exam Centre exam

To withdraw from a planned exam at the Adapted Exam Centre, log into your Ventus account and cancel your participation by selecting Withdraw. You can also email us for assistance.

Justification for exam absence

You must justify your absence to your professor or your faculty from any examination. Otherwise, you’ll be penalized. For more information, see Academic Regulation A-8, section 8.6.

What to know for your visit to the Adapted Exam Centre

  • The room where you do your evaluation may be equipped with adaptive measures that aren’t part of your own plan, but this won’t have negative consequences for you.
  • Avoid wearing scented products. The Adapted Exam Centre is a scent-free zone.
  • Food and drinks are forbidden in the examination rooms. Only water bottles are permitted.
  • The Adapted Exam Centre and the Academic Accommodations Service aren’t responsible for lost or stolen items. We suggest you leave any valuables at home. To store your personal effects on campus, you can always rent a locker from your faculty, or use one of the lockers beside DMS 3172. Please note that the number of lockers beside DMS 3172 is limited.
  • The Adapted Exam Centre is a quiet environment. We ask everyone to co-operate to limit distractions. However, since we can’t control certain noises, we offer earplugs in the examination rooms.
  • Respect is always in order.

Academic integrity

Under Academic Regulation A-4, any allegations of fraud are submitted in writing, with supporting documentation, to the office of your faculty’s dean.

After your evaluation

  • To request a feedback form and share your comments on your experience, email us.
  • For any concerns about the exam, contact your professor.


Contact the Adapted Exam Centre

Desmarais Building
55, avenue Laurier East 
3rd Floor, Room 3172
Ottawa ON Canada
K1N 6N5

Tel.: 613-878-0546
Email: [email protected]