- Determine your career goals.
- Compile a list of all the organizations you’d like to work for.
- Research the organizations as much as possible.
- Get to know the names of the key people, such as the hiring manager.
- Develop a script to have a clear idea of your strategy.
- Be prepared to be turned down.
Cold calls
A cold call, when you reach out to an employer who doesn’t know you, is an art. Cold-calling is an essential job search tool because it helps you access the hidden job market.
- Be confident, polite and courteous.
- Start by introducing yourself and then explain why you’re calling.
- Give a brief description of your career and educational background, including your skills and qualifications.
- Ask well-prepared, probing questions.
- Ask at least one specific question about job opportunities.
- Ask permission to stay in contact with the employer.
What to do …
If the person you wish to speak with is unavailable:
Ask when would be the best time to call back; avoid leaving a message. Prepare specific questions about the organization: the person who answers your call might be able to transfer you to the right person.
If the employer isn’t hiring:
Ask for an information interview and find out about the employer’s recruitment periods.
If someone asks why they should hire you:
Make links between your qualifications and the company’s needs. Offer to send your resumé to the employer and suggest an interview to further discuss your qualifications and skills.
- Send a thank you letter.
- Keep detailed records of your calls.