The psychometric assessment process involves two meetings with a career counselor.

During this first meeting, you will be introduced to the career development process and have the opportunity to reflect on  your career goals. You will also receive an introduction to psychometric testing.

These psychometric assessments are used to increase awareness of your personality characteristics and interests as they relate to your choice of a satisfying career. During the second workshop, the counsellor will guide you through an interpretation of the assessment results.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

The MBTI personality assessment identifies an individual’s type (made up of four basic preferences), and provides a common language around how people interact with others and the world around them. This information helps people improve both their working and personal relationships in a productive and constructive way. The MBTI tool is a great resource for improving important decision making and guiding career exploration.

Current student and Alumni of less than 2 years 30$

Alumni +2years 50$ (with yearly membership)

Strong Interest Inventory

The Strong Interest Inventory evaluates interests in a variety of positions: work, leisure, and field of studies. The questionnaire compares how your interests are similar to the interests of people who occupy certain professions. It is used to help people understand the occupations that interest them and to illustrate the types of employment within which they would be happier.

Current student and Alumni of less than 2 years 25$

Alumni +2years 40$ (with yearly membership)