Career counselling for students with disability

  • You have already started to plan your career or you wonder where to start;
  • You are looking for more information in order to carry out your future professional path;
  • You are looking for job search tools or techniques.

Explore the following resources and do not hesitate to come and meet a Professional Career Counsellor. Contact us by email at [email protected], drop by the Career Corner (UCU216) or chat with us.


Job Search Websites

  • Ability Edge
    National paid internship program for graduates with self-declared disabilities to assist them in gaining career-building work experience.
  • Handicap
    Find a job where you will be able to use your full potential and expertise by taking into account your disability or the characteristics of your handicap.
  • Jobs Abilities
    Canadian Abilities Foundation's web site for job seekers to gain exposure to employers who are committed to diverse work places.
  • Job Opportunity Information Network (JOIN)
    Employment network of choice in the Greater Toronto Area for persons with disabilities and for employers.

Other Employment and Support Resources

  • Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work
    Canada-wide network of organizations and individuals. Our mission is to promote and support meaningful and equitable employment of persons with disabilities.
  • Canadian Association of Professionals with Disabilities
    A federally incorporated non-profit dedicated to maximizing the inclusion, job retention, and advancement of current and future professionals with disabilities.
  • Disability Doorway
    Assists persons with disabilities and/or their families by providing information on resources and services that can help improve the quality of life for everyone involved.
  • LEADS Employment Services

    Assistance to people with barriers to develop skills and obtain employment, enabling a higher quality of life.
  • LinkedIn
    A networking tool where professional contacts can be created.
  • National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM)
    Association established to increase the awareness of the positive outcomes of hiring persons with disabilities in Canada.
  • National Educational Association of Disabled Students (NEADS)
    A Consumer organization, with a mandate to encourage the self-empowerment of post-secondary students with disabilities.
  • Northern Lights Canada
    A Canadian company with a team of over 220 employment and rehabilitation specialists, case managers, corporate trainers, and support staff whose primary goal is to help you achieve yours.
  • Ontario Disability Employment Network

    A professional body of employment service providers united to increase employment opportunities for people who have a disability.
  • Ontario Disability Program: Employment Support
    Employment support or for starting own business.
  • Ontario March of Dimes
    Helps people with disabilities achieve greater independence by providing job training and finding them employment.
  • Ontario Self-Employment Benefit Program (OSEB)
    Business advisor counselling services and income support for up to 42 weeks while you develop and implement a business plan.
  • Service Canada: Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities
    Provides funding for national, regional and local projects that assist people with disabilities in preparing for and finding employment or self-employment, as well as acquiring the skills necessary to maintain that new employment.
  • Service Canada: Canada Pension Disability Vocational Rehabilitation Program
    Helps people who receive a Canada Pension Plan disability benefit return to Canada's labour market.
    Vast number of resources and information on employment for persons with a disability. This website is managed by the Canadian Council on Rehabilitation and Work.