Thank You letters are critical to job success. 94 per cent of employers say that a Thank You letter increases the chances of being employed.

Why send a Thank You letter

  • It distinguishes you from other candidates.
  • It helps maintain positive relationships with employers while they are making hiring decisions.
  • It demonstrates courtesy and professionalism to the employer.

When to send a Thank You letter?

It should be sent 24 to 48 hours after the interview.

What to include in a Thank You letter

First paragraph:

  • Thank the employer for the time spent with you. Mention the date and time of your interview and the position title for which you were being interviewed.

Second paragraph:

  • Use this as another opportunity to highlight how your skills match their requirements.
  • Mention anything pertinent to the position that you might have forgotten to bring up during the interview, such as an experience that is specifically related to the employer’s needs.
  • Make sure you also let the employer know that you are still very interested in the position.
  • Convey your willingness to provide any additional information to support your application.

Third paragraph:

  • Express your confidence in your ability to do the job in question.
  • Propose future communications. For example, a follow up phone call to monitor the status of your application.
  • Thank the employer again.
  • Finish with a sincere closing.

Examples of closings:

  • Thank you for your time and consideration.
  • I look forward to hearing from you soon.
  • Yours sincerely,
  • Sincerely,
  • I look forward to speaking with you again.

Example of a Thank You letter available in PDF


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