Gaining experiences through volunteering is an excellent way to broaden your horizons and acquire valuable skills required in the working world!


Numerous studies show that those who volunteer to help others also feel better about themselves. With your desire to enrich your community and your own life, and by giving your time and expertise, you will realize that you truly can make a difference.

Advantages of gaining experience through volunteering

  • Gain valuable practical work experience related to your field of study;
  • Learn more about a particular field of work or industry;
  • Help out a community organization and gain confidence and compassion while developing your employability skills, such as leadership;
  • Establish contacts within your potential career field;
  • Enhance your resumé;
  • Obtain professional references.

Find volunteer opportunities

For information and to find organizations providing volunteer opportunities please refer to the following websites:

  • Community Engagement : is an on-campus one-stop shop for information on volunteer opportunities in Ottawa and around the world - not just for students but for the entire university community. It also provides support to members of the university community who start their own grassroots initiatives.
  • City of Ottawa Volunteer Opportunities: Offers a wide spectrum of duties in virtually every municipal department throughout Ottawa.
  • Community Service Learning: Get out of the classroom and actively apply your university studies to real world situations in a way that benefits you, the community and not-for-profit organizations.
  • United Way Ottawa: A leader in developing and supporting community solutions, who invest in areas where they can make a distinct difference towards building a strong, healthy, safe community for all.
  • This side provides information on opportunities for volunteering abroad.
  • Volunteer Ottawa: A bilingual agency committed to building the capacity of our community services by reuniting people, organizations and the business world in order to fulfill community needs.

Additional information