All students are automatically participating in the placement for Summer 2025 work terms.
You have three options when it comes to your job search:
"Participating in placement"
We post job offers and arrange interviews on campus. Our program coordinators will make every effort to find you a placement in your field of study.
“Conduct your own job search”
We must approve the placement. Complete the “Found Own Form” when you receive an offer and submit it to the co-op office. The employer must also confirm in writing the intention to hire you. The placement must be a paid position related to your field of study and involve at least 16 weeks of full-time employment.
“I am returning to a previous employer”
Email us at [email protected] and indicate that you wish to return to your previous employer. You must also include proof from your employer of the intention to re-hire you.
If you choose to conduct your own job search or return to previous employer but have not yet received an official job offer, fill out this form.
You may "participate in placement" while looking for your own position, or while waiting for your previous employer to confirm your return, however there are a few things you must remember:
While " participating in placement", you must apply to jobs on the Co-op Portal that interest you and attend all virtual interviews scheduled through the Co-op Portal.
If you get an offer from your independent search, you must provide a confirmation by filling out the “found own form”, or else you will be continue to be scheduled for interviews, and you must attend each one until you receive official confirmation from the co-op office that you have been matched to the job.
If you receive a confirmation from your previous employer that they wish to rehire you for the term, you will need to send the confirmation (including salary and a job description if different from previous term) via e-mail to [email protected]as soon as possible (deadline can be found on key dates page) in order to be matched and removed from the placement process.
Note: When you participate in the placement, you will be required to attend all your interviews and rank all your jobs!
You have multiple ways to apply to jobs
You can apply to co-op jobs posted exclusively for University of Ottawa co-op students, via the Experiential Learning Platform (Co-op Portal)or the co-op app. You must participate in the "placement process" to apply to these jobs.
Apply to other potential jobs on external websites through the IndEx tool. A walkthrough of how to apply to jobs on IndEX can be found lower on this webpage.
Applying to jobs on the Co-op Portal/Co-op app
As of Fall 2024, applying to co-op jobs is a continuous hiring process.
Similar to what use to be known as the Second Round (Continuous Placement), the placement process is ongoing for each student until they are matched with a job. Learn more about ranking through the Continuous Placement Ranking FAQ webpage.
Work term details must be submitted no later than three weeks after the start of your work term. This information will allow us to properly plan mid-term evaluations, even if they will only take place in the following weeks.
How to submit your Work Term Details
Log into the Co-op Portal and click on “My Evaluations”.
Next to your current work-term, click on “Mid-term evaluation”.
Complete all required fields under “Work-term details” (Part 1).
Don’t forget to “Save”.
If you don’t yet have all the required information:
Enter the expected start date of your placement (this will be very useful for us in planning). You can then fill in the other fields once you have the information in question. Only the placement start date can be saved without providing the other information.
If you still don’t have your placement start date, update us on your situation and explain why you’re still waiting for this information.
Competency development objectives (also known as work term objectives) help you give your very best - and have the best possible placement experience.
How to submit your Competency Development Objectives
Log into the Co-op Portal and click on the tab "My Evaluations"
Next to your current work-term, click on “Mid-term evaluation”.
Enter the requested information
Don’t forget to “Save”.
Elements to Consider
Your goals may change and evolve over the course of your experiences and should be revised regularly.
If you do not achieve 100% of your objectives at the end of your experience, simply explain the reasons in your reflections.
Use the SMARTS formula to assess the accuracy of your objectives as well as the actions you took to achieve them, the results, and the outcomes.
Use a journal to keep track of your thoughts and experiences, as these valuable notes could be used to evaluate your goals or as anecdotal examples in your reflective evaluation.
How to submit your Reflective Report
Log into the Co-op Portal and click on the tab "My Evaluations"
Next to your current work-term, click on “Work-Term Report”.
Upload your Report
Why are there different dates to submit my reflective report?
For everyone’s sake, to evenly distribute the load on the servers and ensure the system functions properly, we suggest dates for submission of work term reports by faculty. This will avoid excessive system traffic on the deadline for submitting reports through the Co-op Portal.
The official deadline remains indicated in the key dates, but if you can, please submit your report by the suggested date for your faculty.
Key Dates
Make sure you are checking this page, along with the Co-op Key Dates page, to remain up to date as you progress through the co-op program.