This official University of Ottawa document records all of your volunteer work on campus and in the community.

Benefits of declaring your volunteer hours

person looking at resumes
  • Showcase your experience outside the classroom.
  • Upgrade your CV and highlight your leadership experience when applying for a new job.
  • Enhance your graduate school applications.
  • Strengthen your scholarship or bursary applications.

Get your official copy

  1. Log into the Community Engagement Navigator (via uoZone).
  2. Select CCR.
  3. In the Options box on the left panel, select Request Official CCR.
  4. Read and accept the terms and conditions.
  5. Confirm the request.

Once you receive a confirmation email that your CCR is ready, come to the Career Corner (UCU 216) to pick it up. You can also print out an unofficial CCR at home.

Note: Only approved volunteer hours appear on your record. Before submitting your application, contact your placement supervisor to have your hours approved.

For key timesheet approval dates and deadlines, see the timesheet policy It outlines the responsibilities of the parties involved in entering and approving volunteer hours.

We no longer approve placements that occurred prior to 2012.

Note: We only accept forms for placements that took place during the current or previous academic year. Please note that the academic year starts with the Spring-Summerterm (May 1).

person reviewing a resume

Related links

Gaining experiences through volunteering is an excellent way to broaden your horizons and acquire valuable skills required in the working world!
How to Highlight Volunteer Experience on Your Resume