Did you know that you can replace course assignments with professor-approved volunteer placements?

Help others while helping yourself! Show future employers who you really are. Express your drive to change the world by putting what you learn in the classroom to good use as a volunteer.

Volunteering either as part of a course or on your own helps foster social participation and responsibility. It’s also the perfect opportunity to strengthen community ties, bring about positive social change and form solid partnerships. Many volunteer opportunities are available, on campus, around Ottawa or abroad.

The CSL program involves credited learning experiences as part of a course. If CSL is available for your class, you can take part in structured volunteer activities that meet a community need. Then, you can engage in critical reflection on what you’ve learned, to increase your understanding of the class material and your field of study.


Steps to complete a CSL placement

Once you are enrolled in a course with a CSL option, follow the steps below to complete your placement.

Creating your own placement

Our online process, entitled “I have found my own volunteer placement” (or Found Own) is designed for students who wish to participate in a volunteer engagement that isn’t posted on the Community Engagement Navigator.

  1. Speak with your professor about the placement you have in mind to see if it aligns with the course objectives. If your professor approves your placement, go to step 2.
  1. Contact your CE Program Advisor to confirm that the Community Partner meets our eligibility criteria.
    1. If the Community Partner is eligible, you may need to have them sign a CSL Agreement. These details will be discussed with your CE Program Advisor directly.
  1. Fill out the Found Own form . Do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] if you have any questions or wish to obtain technical support to complete this step.
  1. All Found Own forms must be submitted to the Community Engagement Team by the term deadline (consult the CSL Calendar and deadlines webpage).

Please refer to the PowerPoint presentation from your class for specific registration dates, and the CE Program Advisor assigned to your course.

You should contact your placement supervisor shortly after selecting your placement.

Please encourage your supervisor to approve any outstanding hours and to complete the student evaluation online. If your supervisor has not completed your evaluation or approved your hours by the deadline, contact us at [email protected] (or your Community Engagement Program Advisor) immediately and we will try to reach your supervisor.

Contact us

Community engagement

Career Corner
University Centre (UCU)
85 University Private, Room 216
Ottawa ON, K1N 6N5
Tel.: 613-562-5945
Toll-free: 1-877-868-8292
[email protected]