Withdrawing from a course

If you no longer want to take a course that you’re enrolled in, you must formally withdraw from it.


Withdrawing from a course can affect whether you meet all your program requirements. It can also affect your access to services such as financial aid, housing, CO-OP and scholarships. Consider the consequences of withdrawing from a course carefully.

Please note that the term “course” also includes academic activities such as a major research paper or a thesis.

You can withdraw from a course without it affecting your overall grade point average, without it appearing on your transcript and without providing a reason as long as you do so prior to the appropriate deadline.

There are two official deadlines to withdraw from a course or activity: one to receive a financial credit (you’ll receive a refund less administrative fees) and one with no financial credit (you will not receive a refund). Be sure to check the list of important academic dates and deadlines before proceeding.

The deadlines in the Important academic dates and deadlines are different for each term and session. Only the deadlines for the Fall, Winter and Spring-Summer terms, as well as for some sessions, are in the Important academic dates and deadlines. Deadlines for sessions for some programs are not always listed. For more information, check with your academic unit.

How to withdraw from a course

You can withdraw from a course in one of two ways:

  1. Using the Enrol application in uoZone (quickest method)

    • From uoZone, go to Applications and click on Enrol. Then click on the Drop tab and follow the instructions.
  2. Submitting a modification/cancellation of enrolment form

Decision and wait times

  • If you withdraw from a course through the Enrol application in uoZone, you're withdrawn from it instantly.
  • If you request a course withdrawal using the Modification/Cancellation of Enrolment form, it may take up to two business days before you see the change in uoZone .

In general, as long as you submit your form before the deadline, your course withdrawal will be accepted.

Refunds (financial credit)

In order to receive a financial credit (less administrative fees), you must

  • withdraw by the deadline indicated in the Important academic dates and deadlines (see Last day to withdraw from a course or an activity and receive a financial credit). If you withdraw from a course after this deadline, you receive no financial credit.
  • change from full-time to part-time status or already be a part-time student. If you withdraw from a course but remain a full-time student (i.e., you went from taking five courses to taking four courses), you won’t receive a financial credit.

Please visit the Financial Resources website for more information about refunds.

Impact of course withdrawal on your other services

Financial Aid and Awards

If your academic status changes from full time to part time, you may no longer be eligible for financial aid and you may not be able to renew scholarships for the next term. For more information, please contact Financial Aid and Awards.


Dropping courses does not cancel your room reservation or residence agreement. To learn how to cancel a room reservation, or how to obtain an early termination, please consult the Housing Service website.

CO-OP program

Dropping a course could have an impact on the sequence of courses and placements that you must follow as a CO-OP student, as well as on your student status (from full time to part time). It’s important to contact your faculty to determine the impact of dropping a course on your CO-OP sequence. For more information, contact the CO-OP office.


Dropping a course does not automatically impact your U-Pass fees. Should you want us to remove these fees, you must submit an exemption request.