Canadian Indigenous students

If you are a First Nations or Inuit student, you may be eligible to apply for financial support for Indigenous Canadians.

To be eligible for funding, students must maintain a satisfactory academic standing within an eligible post-secondary institution. These include:

  • educational institutions affiliated with, or those that deliver post-secondary programs by arrangement with a post-secondary institution
  • First Nations-designated and directed institutions
indigenous student smiling at camera


Identification is a voluntary and confidential online process by which you identify yourself as an Indigenous student at the University of Ottawa. No proof of ancestry is required.
Find out more about identifying yourself as an Indigenous student

What do I need to know about eligibility?

Smiling student with long hair and beaded earrings wearing a green and black sweater in the foreground with a blurred background.

The University of Ottawa has set eligibility criteria for First Nations, Inuit and Métis students for scholarships and reserved seats in faculties to determine which students have access to these services. To meet these criteria, Indigenous students need to provide the information required.