At the University of Ottawa, we believe in helping you excel and achieve your goals. That's why we offer all the resources to ensure your success. By investing in exceptional graduate students like yourself, we not only benefit you personally but also contribute to society through groundbreaking research, innovation, and leadership.

To support you in this endeavor, we have listed several sources of funding available to graduate students, including scholarships awarded at the time of admission.

Master's Awards and Financial Support

Doctorate Awards and Financial Support

Explore Funding Opportunities in Your Faculty

Many faculties offer specific funding opportunities that vary according to the programs you choose.

Explore a world of possibilities for your academic success by visiting the funding section of your faculty's website. You'll find detailed information on the various funding options available for graduate studies.

In addition, you can obtain information on grants to participate in research activities as part of your master's or doctoral program.

We encourage you to contact your faculty or consult their website for more details.