When conflicts arise between the supervisor(s) and the postdoctoral fellow, the following procedures are to be followed:
Level 1
Either party involved in a conflict shall attempt first to resolve the conflict informally by meeting with the other party involved. When the conflict involves a postdoctoral fellow’s performance, the postdoctoral fellow’s supervising faculty member(s) shall previously have followed a progressive corrective action process, including documentation of discussions, counseling, verbal and written warnings. If the parties are not able to resolve the conflict within ten (10) working days from their first meeting, either party shall consult with the head of the academic unit. The head of the academic unit shall arrange for a meeting with the parties in an attempt to resolve the conflict. Both parties shall prepare documentation outlining their position and including any pertinent information (e.g. emails sent, meetings previously held, a narrative of events, etc.). They shall also indicate the desired outcome.
Level 2
If any issue cannot be resolved at the departmental level within ten (10) working days from the termination of the consultation process with the head of the academic unit, either party in the conflict may consult with the Dean of that faculty (or the Dean’s delegate), as appropriate. The Dean or the Dean’s delegate shall advise all parties of appropriate policies, procedures, and possible outcomes with respect to the conflict. Should either party wish to proceed to a formal complaint at this point (“complainant”), the complainant must provide written details of the nature of the conflict, the attempts made to resolve the issue, and the remedy sought to the Dean or the Dean’s delegate within five (5) working days from the date the consultation process with the Dean or the Dean’s delegate has been completed. The Dean or the Dean’s delegate will make a decision on the complaint within ten (10) working days from the date the complaint was received and will inform all the parties of the decision in writing.
Level 3
In the event that a conflict cannot be resolved at the faculty level, then either party may appeal to the Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies or the Vice-Provost's delegate who will attempt to find a resolution within ten (10) working days from the receipt of the appeal. All relevant information related to the conflict shall be provided to the Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral studies or the Vice-Provost’s delegate at the time of the filing of the appeal. The decision of the Vice-Provost, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies or the Vice-Provost’s delegate is final and binding on the parties, and it will be communicated in writing to both parties.
It should be noted that the procedures for conflict resolution outlined in this document are not intended to supersede any conflict procedure that has been provided for in another University of Ottawa policy applicable to the matter in conflict.
Revised by the OGPS on July 1, 2024.