Hand pointing at a laptop screen with other people around a table

Written evaluation of the thesis

Written evaluation of the thesis by a thesis jury

The jury examiners must evaluate the thesis independently. During the written evaluation process, they must not contact the other examiners, the thesis supervisor, or you to discuss the thesis evaluation before they submit their reports to the office coordinating the evaluation and defence.  

For information on possible verdicts at this stage of the thesis evaluation, you can refer to one of the following sections of the Academic Regulation C-7 Thesis:

  • C-7.10.2: Written evaluation of master’s thesis without oral defence and verdicts:
  • C-7.10.3: Written evaluation of master’s thesis with oral defence and verdicts:
  • C-7.10.4: Written evaluation of a doctoral thesis and verdicts.

Thesis written evaluation report for oral defence requirement

Examiners who must submit a written evaluation report, must clearly indicate whether you can proceed to the defence. All reports and examiner's name will be sent to the student and the thesis supervisor(s) and to the other examiners, including the president of the defence, prior to the thesis defence.

The examiners’ reports must be sufficiently detailed to allow you to prepare for the defence or, if necessary, to make revisions.

An examiner who judges that the thesis is not ready to go to the defence must specify what gaps need to be filled. For example, flaws in the interpretation of the results or in the method, insufficient intelligibility of certain passages, etc.

Note that the examiners’ comments are also considered when a student is recommended for a thesis prize.

You can find out your status during the thesis evaluation process through your uoZone account.