Benefits of French immersion

Qualitative Grades
Eligible students in the French Immersion Stream can choose qualitative grades -- Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS) -- rather than alphanumeric grades (A to F). Many students call these “Pass/Fail” grades. Qualitative grades do not count towards your average (GPA), but you will receive credits for the course if you pass, which alleviates some of the pressure to maintain average-based scholarships, obtain co-op placements or apply for an international exchange.
Details and criteria:
- Available to students in the faculties of Arts, Health Sciences, Management and Social Sciences.
- NOTE: Students in the faculties of Science and Engineering cannot receive qualitative grades with the French Immersion Stream.
- Offered to students in their first 20 courses (60 units).
- NOTE: Courses completed prior to joining the French Immersion Stream, including transfer credits and equivalencies, are counted in the first 20 courses (60 units.)
- These can be requested for any course taught in French, i.e. a course code with 5, 6, 7 or 8 as the 5th character, for example ADM 1700 or BIO 1530. Language courses with 9 or 0 as the 5th character are not eligible.
- Applicable to immersion courses: qualitative grades may be attributed for both the content course taught in French and the accompanying language course.
- Your true grade is not removed from your file, it is simply converted to S or NS on your transcript.
- Faculties or programs may choose to exclude certain courses from this grading option for pedagogical reasons or accreditation.
NOTE: Students in the faculties of Science and Engineering cannot receive qualitative grades with the French Immersion Stream.
NOTE: B.Com.-JD and B.Soc.Sc.-JD: The Faculty of Law uses true grades, not qualitative grades, to assess admission into the Juris Doctor program.
To request a qualitative grade: You must complete the online request or fill out the PDF request form (PDF, 502KB) and submit it to the French Immersion Stream office before the deadline in the University's important dates and deadlines calendar (around the 10th week of class). Note that it is not possible to submit a qualitative grade request for a previous term.
Once your request for a qualitative grade has been approved, you will no longer be able to view your letter grade for the course. However, you may ask to remove a qualitative grade if and only if this is beneficial to you in order to renew a scholarship, to maintain your eligibility to the co-op education program or to the international exchange program.
If you apply to a postgraduate or professional program that requires all your letter grades, contact the French Immersion Stream Office.

Write in English or French
The University of Ottawa's Regulation on Bilingualism allows you to write your assignments and exams in French or English in nearly any course. While we encourage you to practice writing in French as much as possible, we recognize that, in some circumstances, having the freedom to choose your written language of expression can make a big difference!
For example, many immersion students choose to write shorter assignments in French, and longer or more challenging assignments in English.
Note that, in any language course, you have to write in the language being studied. For example, you cannot write your French-as-a-second-language assignments in English, same as you cannot write in English if you are learning German!

Study Workshops
Something we regularly hear from French Immersion students is that they have no idea how to prepare for university-level readings nor how to efficiently take notes during their lectures. In response to these comments, the French Immersion Mentors are proud to offer two different types of “Ateliers” or workshops, which are offered several times throughout the school year.
- Prise de notes
- Lecture efficace
Keep an eye on your uOttawa email account and our Facebook page for dates and times of workshops.

French Immersion (FI) Buddy Program
Does the transition from high school to university make you nervous? You're not alone! The FI Buddy Program supports first-year students to adapt to life on campus.
First-year students, or "junior buddies", are paired with an upper-year student in French Immersion, or "senior buddy". First-year students are offered advice on their program of study from a peer who has lived similar experiences not so long ago. Once the students are paired, it is up to them to decide of their means of communication - in person, e-mail or text, etc. Immersion Mentors also organize events for buddies (junior and senior) taking part in the program.

Community Engagement offers many volunteering opportunities in French.
The Centre promotes lifelong community engagement and social responsibility among uOttawa students. Integrating academics with meaningful volunteer positions through community and faculty partnerships, the Centre supports students in contributing to stronger communities, positive social change and a more active university locally, nationally and internationally.

International Exchanges
Looking to travel? Want to use your French abroad? The University of Ottawa's exchange program offers the opportunity for full-time students to spend a term or a full academic year abroad in one of our more than 100 destinations. Your tuition fees remain the same, as you pay them to the University of Ottawa. Students going on an international exchange can receive scholarships of $ 2,500 for one semester or $ 3, 500 for two semesters.
French-speaking countries to which you may go on an exchange include: Belgium, France, Morocco and Switzerland.
By spending some time abroad, you will gain valuable perspectives and add an international dimension to your degree. Your French skills will also allow you to live and learn in French-speaking countries! French courses taken abroad can also count toward your program requirements.

Immersion Mentoring Centre
The Immersion Mentors are upper-year French Immersion students. When you have questions or issues, be sure to reach out to them! They know exactly what you're going through, because they've been in your shoes! During your first year at uOttawa, meet with a Mentor to discuss your academic path and ease your transition from high school to university.
Contact us by email, phone, visit or through social media.

Bilingualism Centre
Having a tough time with your French at the university level? Well, luckily the Bilingualism Centre offers tutoring to help students become more proficient in French!
Students can practice French with the Centre’s volunteers who will answer any questions about French fundamentals (e.g. grammar, pronunciation, vocabulary, expressions, and comprehension). Students can attend an hour-long tutoring session several times a week. The tutoring sessions typically begin one month after the start of each term. Interested students should register online or by dropping by the Centre.
In addition to offering tutoring services, the Bilingualism Centre also hosts many events during the year and has its own resource centre for students to use.
Bilingualism Centre
85 University Private (University Centre)
Room 031B
Tel: (613) 562-5800 x4075
[email protected]

Conversation Workshops
You want to speak French, but feel hesitant? Your French is a little rusty and you feel embarrassed to speak? Look into uOttawa's conversation workshops:
- Offered daily, in small groups.
- Offered by Language Mentors who facilitate a guided conversation about general topics.
- In a casual context, among peers.
- Designed for second-language students who wish to work on their skills.
- Conversation groups for all speaking levels: beginner, medium and advanced.
- Last 60 minutes.