Students working collaboratively on laptop.s

Immersion Mentoring Centre

The Immersion Mentors are upper-year Immersion and Extended French students. When you have a question or a problem, start with them: they know exactly what you're going through, because they've been in your shoes!

What the Mentoring Centre offers

Before and during your first year at uOttawa, meet with a Mentor to talk and obtain help for making the transition from high school to university. Our mentors are not tutors. However, having been in your shoes just a little while ago, they are well-equipped to help you or refer you to someone who can.


Something the French Immersion stream hears regularly from students is that they have no idea how to do readings at the university level nor how to take notes during their lectures.

In response to these comments, the French Immersion mentors are proud to offer two different types of “Ateliers” or workshops where students can come and learn tips and strategies to help them develop the skills necessary to their success in university (e.g. how to read diagonally or how to take abbreviated notes).

Students can attend the “Prise de notes” or “Lecture efficace” workshops, which are offered several times throughout the school year.

Keep an eye on your uOttawa email account and our Facebook page for dates and times for workshops.

Student studying in modern cubicle.

How to improve your French

Learning a language is hard; maintaining it is just as difficult and needs a lot of will. Your French professors are right when they say that if you don't use your French, you will lose it. Keep practicing!
Learn more on how to improve your French

Our mentors



City: Santiago, Chili

Program: Sociology & Communication, 2nd year

I have been immersed in learning French since I was very young and I am extremely passionate about improving my French linguistic skills, as well as connecting with people from different places and cultures. Voyager, passer du temps avec mes amis, réaliser des vidéos et du contenu sur les réseaux sociaux, sont quelques-uns de mes centres d'intérêt. I enjoy a good conversation where I can learn about other people's experiences and share my very own, and I am really excited to have the chance to support others in accomplishing their future goals! Étant une étudiante internationale, je comprends à quel point il peut être difficile de s'adapter à un nouvel environnement ou à une nouvelle culture, c'est pourquoi il est si important pour moi de vous aider à vous sentir à l'aise ici à l'université.

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or just want to meet and talk!



City: Brantford, ON

Program: Biomedical sciences, 3rd year

Je suis étudiante d’immersion depuis la maternelle et mes cours en français m’ont offert l’occasion d’explorer mes autres intérêts plutôt créatifs. Depuis un jeune âge, j’ai toujours adoré mieux comprendre le fonctionnement du monde et de partager ce que j’ai appris. Je suis donc très excitée d'être mentor. Quand je n’étudie pas à la bibliothèque, vous pouvez me trouver dans un Ottawa ou en train de rendre visite à l’un des nombreux musées et galeries. Je fais également partie du club de crochet à l’universiét et j’adore faire de la lecture et la photographie dans mon temps libre. I look forward to meeting you and in helping to support your unique bilingual university journey! Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or even just to chat! The transition to university can be daunting, mais nous sommes ici pour vous aider!



City: Ottawa, ON

Program: Psychology, 3rd year

N'ayez pas peur de prendre des risques, d'essayer de nouvelles choses et de demander des conseils, car les années universitaires sont une période de connaissance de soi et de développement personnel! Suivez vos intérêts, explorez les différentes ressources disponibles et profitez de l'environnement bilingue!



City: Cambridge, ON

Program: Biomedical sciences, 2nd year

J’ai été en immersion française à l’école depuis que j’avais six ans et quand j’ai appris que l’Université d’Ottawa offre l’immersion française, c’est devenu l`école de mes rêves. Prendre les cours en français à l’université est une des expériences le plus intéressant et enrichissant de ma vie! Quelque chose d’autre qui me passionne à part du français c’est la danse. J’ai été danseuse depuis l’âge de cinq ans et danseuse compétitive entre les âges de 12 et 18. I also love reading, doing logic puzzles (sudoku is one of my favourites!), playing pool, and going for walks and hikes. Je suis honorée d’avoir l’occasion de vous aider à profiter de votre expérience dans le régime d’immersion en français! Please feel free to reach out if you ever need help, advice, or someone to talk to!



City: Markham, ON

Program: Marketing, 3rd year

Words of Wisdom: Impliquez-vous dans la communauté et explorez toutes les possibilités disponibles pour vous. Il y a tant de clubs et activités sur campus, permettant plusieurs opportunités pour créer de nouveaux amis et souvenirs amusants. N'ayez pas peur d'utiliser les ressources ou demander de l’aide si besoin, c'est pour cela les ressources comme les mentors sont là. Surtout, travaillez fort, étudiez bien, amusez-vous et profitez de votre expérience universitaire! 



City: Conception Bay South, NL

Program: Médecine moléculaire et translationnelle, 4e année

Hey everyone! I’m Peter and I’m a fourth-year Translational and molecular medicine student from Conception Bay South, Newfoundland and Labrador. I look forward to meeting you all this fall! Quand je ne suis pas dehors en train de faire une randonnée ou du canoë, vous me trouverez sur les terrains de squash! N’hésitez pas à me contacter si vous avez jamais besoin de conseils, du support, ou de bonnes expressions terre-neuviennes.

What to expect during the first weeks


WOOOOO!! Welcome to University! You are mentally prepared for university – and looking forward to it.

FI Mentor Pro-Tip: This new chapter in your education is starting! It's going to be quite memorable, so carpe diem and enjoy your Welcome Week and don’t forget to come to French Immersion’s information session.


Certain professors talk too quickly or with accents, but don’t worry – you’ll figure everything soon enough.

FI Mentor Pro-Tip: If you persevere, it will get better. Don’t let one or two classes dissuade you from a course – sometimes the professors who seem difficult at first end up being the best.


The university campus is really big! But give it a week, you will be able to find your way around.

FI Mentor Pro-Tip: Downloading a campus map right onto your phone to give you some direction on campus. Even the building codes should be on the maps, so you should be good!


Maybe you’ve tried reading some of your textbooks in French… and maybe you’ve thrown them across the room out of frustration. This is very common – and it will go away with time.

FI Mentor Pro-Tip: Don’t stress! The Mentors have your back with their ‘Lecture efficace’ workshop to give you some useful tips to help you with your readings.


You might feel like your French abilities are subpar compared to your classmates. And that’s a totally normal feeling. But remember, you picked French Immersion for a reason, don’t forget that reason. And know that by sticking in the program, you will be able to improve your French skills.

FI Mentor Pro-Tip: We all feel anxious about our abilities sometimes. Luckily, we have created a diagnostic page to help you to pinpoint what you’re feeling nervous about and what to do about it!


Course syllabuses are technically worded and can seem very severe. Its really easy to be nervous when you see all the term’s work laid out before you, especially if the professor has made it very thorough. The best way to resolve this feeling is to create a study plan to help you get organized.

FI Mentor Pro-Tip: Academic support offers many services to help students manage their stress productively.

What did I get myself into?

All of these things can lead to you feeling like maybe French Immersion wasn’t the best choice for you…. Ne lâchez pas!! If you persevere you’ll reap the rewards (like the French Studies Bursary).

FI Mentor Pro-Tip: Take everything in stride, you don’t have to do all your readings in one night. Sometimes mental breaks can be beneficial and provide some much needed clarity.

Contact us

French Immersion Mentoring Centre

Hamelin Hall - Room 130
70, Laurier Ave. East
Ottawa ON  K1N 6N5

613-562-5800 ext. 3642

Office hours

Monday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  
Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  
Wednesday 9:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.  
Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  
Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.  

Book a virtual mentoring appointment