Course restrictions for incoming exchange students
Undergraduate-level course restrictions
Courses NOT available to exchange students
- AHL: Interdisciplinary Studies (All 4000 level AHL courses)
- ART1000 – Studio courses: Visual Arts (Students who are not enrolled in a Visual Arts program, but that wish to take any of the 1000 level studio courses may put in a request with their host Faculty as of the second week of August. They will not need to submit a portfolio for 1000 level courses, unless otherwise requested by the department).
- ART2000: For all the studio courses at the 2000 level and higher, students not registered to a Visual Arts program will need to submit a portfolio.
- CMN: Communication (All 4000 level CMN courses)
- ENG: English (All 4000 level ENG courses)
- ENG3104: Advanced Workshop in Poetry
- ENG4397: Advanced Workshop in Creative Writing
- ENG4398: Advanced Workshop in Poetry
- ENG4399: Advanced Workshop in Fiction
- HIS: History (All 4000 level HIS courses)
- JOU: Journalism (All JOU courses)
- THE: Theater (All courses requiring an audition)
- MUS: Music (All performance courses)
- TRA: Translation and Interpretation (Students must submit the proof of successfully passing the entrance exam to be able to register for courses. This component will be evaluated by the Undergraduate Chair (Case by case).
- TRA4136: External Practicum
- TRA4536: Stage externe
- TRA4936: Specialized Professional Training
- TRA4966: Introduction to Interpreting
- LLM: Modern Languages and Literature (A placement test is required for all language courses. With regards to the registration in these courses, students must submit the test results to be able to register for courses).
- OLBI : Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (A placement test is required for all courses of French as a Second Language (FLS) and English as a Second Language (ESL). With regards to the registration in these courses, students must submit the results to be able to register for courses).
Note: All 4000 level courses offered by the Faculty of Arts are mainly reserved for students registered in a program offered by the Faculty.
Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI)
ESL: English as a second language or FLS: French as second language
- The placement test is done online.
- The result is automatically communicated to the student.
- The result indicates a level which corresponds to a course (information found at the bottom of the
results page). - The student registers to the indicated course.
Modern Languages and Literature (MLL)
ALG: German
ARB: Arabic
CHN: Chinese
ESP: Spanish
ITA: Italian
JPN: Japanese
PLN: Polish
POR: Portuguese
RUS: Russian
- The placement test is done online
- A confirmation email will automatically be sent to the student indicating that the results will be sent in two business days.
- The student will be able to register for the course indicated in the results email.
- The placement test is done online in Word format. The student sends the completed test to the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at [email protected].
- The tests are corrected by professors of the given language and results are sent to the student by email within 10 business days. The student should then forward the test results to the Faculty of Arts at [email protected].
- The student will be able to register for the course indicated in the results email.
Courses NOT available to exchange students
- CEG4912: Computer Engineering Design Project I
- CEG4913: Computer Engineering Design Project II
- CEG3185: Data Communications and Networking
- CGI2901: Co-op Work Term
- CGI3901: Co-op Work Term
- CGI3902: Co-op Work Term
- CGI4901: Co-op Work Term
- CGI4902: Co-op Work Term
- CHG4900: Thesis and seminars
- CSI2911: Professional Practice in Computing
- CSI4103: Topics in Computer Science I
- CSI4104: Topics in Computer Science II
- CSI4503: Sujets en Informatique I
- CSI4504: Sujets en Informatique II
- CSI4900: Projets de recherche / Honours Project
- CVG2171: Surveying and Measurements
- CVG2571: Mesures et arpentage
- CVG4001: Introduction à la conception en génie civil / Introduction to Civil Engineering Project
- CVG4175: Field Investigations
- CVG4907: Engineering Design Project
- CVG4180: Special Directed Studies
- CVG4260: Thesis
- ELG2136: Electronics I
- ELG2138: Circuit Theory I
- ELG2911: Professional Practice in Information Technology and Engineering
- ELG4912: Electrical Engineering Design Project: Part I
- ELG4913: Electrical Engineering Design Project: Part II
- MCG2101: Introduction to Design
- MCG2131: Thermodynamics II
- MCG2501: Introduction à la conception
- MCG2531: Thermodynamique II
- MCG3131: Machine Design
- MCG3531: Conception des machines
- MCG4100: Thesis
- MCG4150: Bioinstrumentation
- MCG4151: Design of Artificial Joint Prostheses and Implants
- MCG4152: Design of Artificial Organs
- MCG4220: Thesis
- MCG4322: Computer-Aided Design
- MCG4328: Manufacturing
- MCG4340: Mechanical Engineering Laboratory
- MCG4550: Bio-instrumentation et biocontrôles
- MCG4551: Biomécanique et biomatériaux des articulations Prothétiques
- MCG4552: Organes artificiels
- MCG4722: Conception assistée par ordinateur
- MCG4728: Procédés de fabrication
- MCG4740: Pratique du génie mécanique
- SEG1911: Communication et responsabilité professionnelle
- SEG2105: Introduction to Software Engineering
- SEG2900: Professional Software Engineering Practice
- SEG4910: Software Engineering Capstone Project-Part 1
- SEG4911: Software Engineering Capstone Project-Part 2
Courses available to exchange students
- HSS1100: Microbiology and Immunology
- HSS1500: Microbiologie et immunologie
- HSS1101: Determinants of Health
- HSS1501: Déterminants de la santé
- HSS2102: Communication and Health
- HSS2502: Communication et santé
- HSS2104: Human Activity, Occupation and Health
- HSS2504: Activité humaine, travail et santé
- HSS2105: Understanding Mental Health
- HSS2505: Comprendre la santé mentale
- HSS2121: History of Health Care
- HSS2521: Histoire des soins de santé
- HSS2305: Molecular Mechanisms of Disease
- HSS2705: Mécanismes moléculaires des maladies
- HSS2321: Sociopolitical and Economic Perspectives in Health
- HSS2721: Perspectives sociopolitiques et économiques de la santé
- HSS2381: Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences: Continuous Variables
- HSS2781: Analyse quantitative des données en sciences de la santé: variables continues
- HSS2382: Quantitative Methods in Health Sciences: Categorical Variables
- HSS2782: Analyse quantitative des données en sciences de la santé: variables catégorielles
- HSS3101: Health Research: Quantitative and Qualitative Approaches
- HSS3501: Recherche en santé : approches qualitatives et quantitatives
- HSS3103: Experience of Illness, Impairment and Disability
- HSS3503: Expérience de la maladie, de la déficience et du handicap
- HSS3105: Global Citizenship and Health
- HSS3505: Citoyenneté mondiale et santé
- HSS3106: Pharmacology: Mechanisms and Compliance
- HSS3506: Pharmacologie : Mécanismes d'action et observance de la prise des médicaments
- HSS3107: Understanding Health Technology Signals
- HSS3507: Comprendre les signaux mesurés par des technologies de la santé
- HSS3108: Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
- HSS3508: Prévention des maladies et promotion de la santé
- HSS3109: Research Approaches in Health Biosciences
- HSS3509: Approches de recherche en biosciences de la santé
- HSS3110: Epidemiology
- HSS3510: Épidémiologie
- HSS3303: Environment and Health
- HSS3703: Environnement et santé
- HSS3305: Pathophysiology of Health Problems
- HSS3705: Pathophysiologie des problèmes de santé
- HSS3332: Technology and Health
- HSS3732: Technologie et santé
- HSS4101: Development and Evaluation of Health Programs
- HSS4501: Élaboration et évaluation de programmes en santé
- HSS4102: Developmental Origins of Health and Disease
- HSS4502: Origines développementales de la santé et des maladies
- HSS4107: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Death and Dying
- HSS4507: Visions interdisciplinaires sur la fin de vie et la mort
- HSS4108: Methods of Health Technology Assessment
- HSS4508: Méthodes d'évaluation des technologies de la santé
- HSS4109: Computer Assisted Health Applications
- HSS4509: Applications en santé assistées par ordinateur
- HSS4110: Population and Public Health
- HSS4510: Santé publique et santé des populations
- HSS4111: Perspectives in Sexual and Reproductive Health
- HSS4511: Perspectives en santé sexuelle et reproductive
- HSS4112: Molecular Determinants of Health and Longevity
- HSS4512: Déterminants moléculaires de la santé et de la longévité
- HSS4312: Critical Appraisal and Evaluation of Health Research
- HSS4712: Évaluation critique et appréciation de la recherche en santé
- HSS4313: Integrative Approaches in Health Biosciences
- HSS4713: Approches integrées en biosciences de la santé
- HSS4331: International Health
- HSS4731: Santé internationale
Only the courses on this list are applicable to students studying through an exchange agreement in Human Kinetics (HK).
- APA2516: Principes de coaching
- APA2116: Principles of Coaching
- APA2521: Nutrition et santé
- APA2121: Nutrition and Health
- APA3111: Intervention, Observation & Experimentation
- APA3511: Observation et expérimentation en intervention
- APA3113: Management of Sporting Events & Festivals
- APA3513: Gestion des événements sportifs et festivals
- APA3114: Exercise Physiology II
- APA3514: Physiologie de l'exercice II
- APA3118: Recreation, Sport & Community Development
- APA3518: Loisir, sport et développement communautaire
- APA3119: Coaching Training Methods
- APA3519: Méthodes d'entraînement en coaching
- APA3120: Psychomotor Behaviour Laboratory
- APA3520: Laboratoire de psychomotricité
- APA3121: Human Motor Skill Development
- APA3521: Développement des habilités motrices chez l'human
- APA3122: Physical Activity & Health
- APA3522: Activité physique et santé
- APA3123: Hockey & Canadian Culture
- APA3523: Hockey et la culture canadienne
- APA3124: Diet & Physical Activity
- APA3524: Alimentation et activité physique
- APA3125: Prevention & Care of Athletic Injuries
- APA3525: Prévention et soins des blessures
- APA3130: Motor Performance & Aging
- APA3530: Performance motrice et vieillissement
- APA3131: Physical Ergonomics
- APA3531: Ergonomie physique
- APA3142: Sociology of Health and Physical Activity in Canada
- APA3542: Sociologie de la santé et de l'activité physique au Canada
- APA3146: Sport & Recreation Marketing
- APA3546: Marketing en sport et en loisir
- APA3150: Neural Control of Human Movement
- APA3550: Contrôle neural du mouvement humain
- APA3301: Ethics in Sport, Physical Activity & Health in Canada
- APA3701: Questions d'éthique en activite sportive, physique et santé au Canada
- APA3311: Musculoskeletal Biomechanics
- APA3711: Biomécanique structurale
- APA3324: Techniques & Strategies in Sport
- APA3724: Techniques et stratégies dans le sport
- APA3325: Fitness Training Principles
- APA3725: Principes d'amélioration de la condition physique
- APA3381: Measurement & Data Analysis in Human Kinetics
- APA3781: Mesure et analyse des données quantitatives
- APA4101: Anthropology of Sport and Leisure
- APA4501: Anthropologie du sport et du loisir
- APA4112: Political Economy of Sport & Physical Activity
- APA4512: Economie politique du sport at de l'activité physique
- APA4115: Sport & Identities
- APA4515: Sport et identités
- APA4116: Applied Sport & Performance Psychology
- APA4516: Psychologie applique du sport et de la performance
- APA4117: Quality of Life: Theory, Research & Application
- APA4517: Qualité de vie: Principes théoriques, recherches et application
- APA4118: Biomechanical Basis of Injury
- APA4518: Fondements biomécaniques des blessures
- APA4119: International Sport Management Perspectives
- APA4519: Perspectives internationales de gestion du sport
- APA4120: Sport & Physical Activity in Aging Populations
- APA4520: Activités physiques et sportives dans le contexte du vieillissement des populations
- APA4123: Physical Activity Counselling
- APA4523: Counselling en matière d'activité physique
- APA4125: Molecular exercise physiology
- APA4525: Physiologie moléculaire de l’exercice
- APA4131: Psychomotor Behaviour: Current Trend
- APA4531: Courants actuels en psychomotricité
- APA4150: Principles in Psychomotor Rehabilitation
- APA4550: Principes de réadaptation psychomotrice
- APA4160: Fitness Testing and Exercise Prescription
- APA4560: Évaluation de la condition physique et prescription d'exercice
- APA4313: Exercise & Disease Prevention
- APA4713: Exercice et prévention des maladies
- APA4315: External Influences & Physical Activity
- APA4715: Les influences externes et l'activité physique
- APA4320: Advanced Coaching: Global Preparation in a Sport
- APA4720: Principes de coaching avancés: préparation globale
- APA4323A : Selected Topics in HK: Entrepreneurship in Health Sciences
- APA4323B: Selected Topics in HK: Sociocultural Studies of the Olympic Games
- LSR1100: Introduction to Leisure Studies
- LSR1500: Introduction à l'étude du loisir
- LSR1105: Leisure in Canadian Society
- LSR1505: Le loisir dans la société candienne
- LSR2110: Leisure: Concepts & Values
- LSR2510: Loisir: concepts et valeurs
- LSR2118: Recreation Program Development & Evaluation
- LSR2518: Développement et évaluation de programmes recreatifs
- LSR2121: Recreation & Environment Quality
- LSR2521: Loisir et qualité de l'environnement
- LSR2122: Tourism
- LSR2522: Tourisme
- LSR2312: Principles of Leadership in Recreation
- LSR2712: Principes de leadership en loisir
- LSR3105: Parks and Protected Areas
- LSR3505: Parcs et zones protégées
- LSR3116: Leisure Education/Counselling
- LSR3516: Éducation/counselling en loisir
Courses NOT available to exchange students
Public administration (PAP)
- PAP4999: Directed Readings in Public Management and Governance
Anthropology (ANT)
- ANT4010: International Internship in Anthropology
Criminology (CRM)
- CRM4660: Stage pratique
- CRM4717: Analyse des expériences de stage
- CRM4260: Field Placement
- CRM4317: Analysis of the Field Placement Experience
International development and globalization (DVM)
- DVM4010: International Internship in International Development
Conflict studies and human rights (ECH)
- ECH4010: International Internship in Conflict Studies and Human Rights
- ECH4210: Conflict and Human Rights Field Research
- ECH 4610: Recherche de terrain sur les conflits et les droits humains
Feminist and gender studies (FEM)
- FEM4660: Stage pratique en criminologie et rapports sociaux de sexe
- FEM4260: Field Placement in Criminology and Gender
Psychology (PSY)
- PSY2514: Psychologie du développement de la naissance à la mort
- PSY3707: Méthodes psychométriques
- PSY4510: Lectures dirigées en psychologie
- PSY4530: Histoire et systèmes de la psychologie
- PSY4676: Thèse de spécialisation
- PSY4710: Recherche dirigée en psychologie
- PSY2114: Lifespan Psychology
- PSY3307: Psychometric Methods
- PSY4110: Directed Readings in Psychology
- PSY4130: History and Systems of Psychology
- PSY4276: Honours Thesis
- PSY4310: Directed Research in Psychology
Economics (ECO)
- ECO 4150: Directed Research Project
- ECO 4550: Projet de recherché dirigée
Political science (POL)
- POL4710: Séminaire de synthèse en pensée politique
- POL4720: Séminaire de synthèse en politique canadienne
- POL4730: Séminaire de synthèse en relations internationales et politique mondiale
- POL4750: Séminaire de synthèse en politique comparée
- POL4310: Honours Seminar in Political Thought
- POL4320: Honours Seminar in Canadian Politics
- POL4330: Honours Seminar in International Relations and Global Politics
- POL4350: Honours Seminar in Comparative Politics
- POL4930: Honours Seminar in International Relations and Global Politics
Social sciences (SCS) (FSS)
- All FSS courses are unavailable to exchange students.
- All SCS courses are unavailable to exchange students.
Social service (SVS)
- SVS/TSO2515: Méthodes d'intervention en service social
- SVS/TSO3501: Intervention auprès des enfants et des familles en service social
- SVS/TSO3505: Fondements théoriques de l'intervention
- SVS/TSO3515: Laboratoire de préparation au stage
- SVS/TSO3525: Intégration des expériences de stage I
- SVS/TSO3565: Intervention de groupe en service social
- SVS/TSO3620: Stage d’intervention I
- SVS/TSO4505: Recherche communautaire et recherche-action en service social
- SVS/TSO4510: Intégration des expériences de stage II
- SVS/TSO4535: Service social en contexte d'autorité
- SVS/TSO4575: Recherche dirigée en service social
- SVS/TSO4620: Stage d’intervention II
Sociology (SOC)
- SOC4730: Lectures dirigées en sociologie
- SOC4330: Directed Readings in Sociology
Courses NOT available to exchange students
- DRC 1500: Compétences des juristes I : Introduction au droit
- DRC 1503: Droit, histoire et société
- DRC 1506: Droit des personnes et de la famille
- DRC 1507: Droit des biens
- DRC 1508: Droit constitutionnel : principes fondamentaux
- DRC 1514: Droit des obligations I : Formation et effets des contrats
- DRC 1705: Droit constitutionnel : partage des compétences et fédéralisme canadien
- DRC 1707: Droit pénal : principes fondamentaux
- DRC 1708: Droit international public
- DRC 1709: Peuples autochtones et droit
- DRC 1710: Droit des obligations II: Régime extracontractuel de responsabilité civile
- DRC 2500: Enseignement appliqué II
- DRC 2501: Droit de l’entreprise I
- DRC 2508: Droit administrative
- DRC 2509: Droit et libertés
- DRC 2514: Droit des obligations III
- DRC 3500: Enseignement appliqué III
- DRC 3501: Droit international privé
- DRC 4148: Security for Debt
- DRC 4158: Matrimonial Property
- DRC 4159: Wills and Estates
- DRC 4168: Selected Topics in Civil Law
- DRC 4372: Civil Law Writing
- DRC 4383: Civil Procedure I
- DRC 4390: Obligations I
- DRC 4391: Property Law
- DRC 4392: Persons and Family Law
- DRC 4393: Civil Law Reasoning
- DRC 4394: Obligations II
- DRC 4395: Obligations III
- DRC 4396: Private Internation Law
- DRC 4735: Concours Kawaskimhon
- DRC 4771: Assistanat à la rédaction d’une revue juridique
- DRC 4772: Dissertation juridique
- DRC 4779: Enseignement clinique II
- DRC 4819: Enseignement clinique I
- DRC 4820: Clinique juridique notariale
- DRC 4830: Concours de plaidoirie interfacultaire
Note: Students participating in an incoming exchange program may only take 4000-level courses.
Courses NOT available to exchange students
- CML1101: Principles of Legal Research
- CML1102: Contracts
- CML1103: Criminal Law and Procedure
- CML1104: Introduction to Public Law and Legislation
- CML1105: All 1st year thematic courses (all sections)
- CML1106: Dispute Resolution and Professional Responsibility
- CML1107: Torts
- CML1108: Property
- CML1109: First Year Theme Course: Public International Law
- CML1110: Orientation to the Canadian Legal System
- CML1203: Criminal Law and Procedure
- CML1207: Torts
- CML1213: Constitutional Law I
- CML4141N: Contracts
- CML4140N: Foundations of Common Law
- CMl4142N: Torts
- CML4143N: Property
- CML4144N: Civil Procedure I
- CML4145: Professional Responsibility and the Practice of Law
- CML4146: Studies in Common Law & Equity
- CML2178: Conviction Review Project I
- CML3153: Federal Tribunals Practice
- CML3171: Student Proposed Internship
- CML3173: Law Related Internships
- CML3175: Crown Attorney Assignment
- CML3176: Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development Canada
- CML3177: Department of Justice Internship
- CML3178: Conviction Review Project II
- CML3316: Technology Law Internship
- CML3351: Legal Research Writing
- CML1501: Rédaction juridique
- CML1502: Recherche juridique
- CML1506: Introduction à la résolution de différends et au professionnalisme
- CML1602: Contrats
- CML1603: Droit pénal et procédure
- CML1607: Délits civils
- CML1608: Droit des biens I
- CML1613: Droit constitutionnel I
- CML1701: Délits civils et responsabilité extracontractuelle I
- CML1702: Délits civils et responsabilité extracontractuelle II
- CML1703: Rédaction juridique
- CML1704: Législation
- CML1705: Droit, histoire et société
- CML1717: Introduction au droit public
- CML4541: Contrats
- CML4540: Fondements de la common law
- CMl4542: Délits civils
- CML4543: Doit des biens
- CML4544: Procédure civile I
- CML4545: La responsabilité professionnelle et les enjeux de la pratique du droit
- CML4546: Études en common law et equity
- CML3351: Recherche et Rédaction Juridique.
- CML3553: Règles pratique Tribunaux Fédéral
- CML3571: Stage proposé par l’étudiant
- CML3573: Stage en droit
- CML3575: Stage procureur de Couronne
- CML3576: Stage droit Affaires étrangères, commerce
- CML3577: Stage en droit – Ministère de la JusticeCML4508 Études en droit international
Courses with waiting lists
- CML2101: Appellate Advocacy
- CML2309: Civil Procedure I
- CML2320: Mediation Theory and Practice
- CML2321: Alternative Dispute Resolution Processes
- CML2313: Constitutional Law II
- CML2302: Business Organizations
- CML2312: Administrative Law
- CML3119: Studies in Oral Advocacy
- CML3120: Moot Court Competition
- CML3121: Gale Cup Moot
- CML3125: National Aboriginal Law Moot
- CML3127: Wilson Moot Competition
- CML3128: Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbritation Competition
- CML3132: Willms & Shier Environmental Law Moot
- CML3139: WTO/ELSA WTO Law Moot
- CML3140: Canadian Corporate/Securities Competition
- CML3142: Intellectual Property Advocacy
- CML3154: Trial Advocacy
- CML3158: Criminal Justice Trial Advocacy
- CML3165: Arnup Cup
- CML3180: Environmental Law Clinic
- CML3234: Labour Law II
- CML3248: Introduction Community Clinic Law
- CML3250: Clinical Course in Community Law
- CML3313: Interviewing & Counseling
- CML3315: Negotiation
- CML3317: Corporate Immigration Advocacy
- CML3366: Collaborative Family Law Practice
- CML3388: Intellectual Property Litigation
- CML3391: Dispute Resolution in Family Law
- CML3449: Clinical Legal Aid II
- CML3450: Clinical Legal Aid III
- CML3923: Laskin Moot
- CML4100: Dispute Resolution Practicum
- CML4116: Advanced Refugee Law
- CML4305: Advocacy before International Tribunals
- CML2501: La Plaidoirie d’appel
- CML2709: Procédure civile I
- CML2713: Droit constitutionnel II
- CML2702: Droit des sociétés
- CML2712: Droit administratif
- CML2741: Philosophie du droit
- CML3514: Concours Charles-Rousseau
- CML3515: Coupe Guy-Guérin
- CML3516: Concours Européen des droits de l’homme René Cassin
- CML3518: Concours Jean-Pictet
- CML3519: Études en plaidoirie
- CML3520: Compétition de Tribunal-École
- CML3534: Droit du travail II – Arbitrage en griefs
- CML3554: Art de la plaidoirie
- CML3569: Arbitrage international
- CML3648: Clinique juridique I : Introduction
- CML3744: Droit fiscal approfondi
- CML3774: Méthodes de rechange pour le règlement de différends
- CML3849: Clinique pratique d’aide juridique II
- CML3850: Clinique pratique d’aide juridique III
- CML3922: Tribunal-École International Philip C. Jessup
- CML3923: Coupe Laskin
- CML4500: Stage en résolution de différends
Courses available only if prerequisites met
All prerequisites for any upper-year course must be met prior to registration. This may include courses already taken at the home university; determination and approval for this will be facilitated by the Common Law Student Centre.
- CML2214: Civil Procedure II
- CML2318: International Taxation
- CML2419: Advanced Business Law
- CML3153: Federal Tribunals Practice
- CML3178: Conviction Review Project II
- CML3234: Labour Law II
- CML3248: Introduction Legal Aid Clinic Course
- CML3301: Criminal Evidence
- CML3316: Technology Law Internship
- CML3344: Advanced Problems in Taxation
- CML3361: Advanced Company Law
- CML3363: Advanced Family Law
- CML3364: Advanced Problems in Administrative Law
- CML3366: Family Conflicts Resolution
- CML3370: Estate Planning
- CML3378: Advanced International Law
- CML3383: Advanced Taxation
- CML3385: International Trade and Investment Law Practicum
- CML3386: Corporate Finance-Law and Practice
- CML3388: Intellectual Property Litigation
- CML3449: Clinical Legal Aid II
- CML4116: Advanced Refugee Law
- CML4136: Advanced International Economic Law
- CML4201: Clinical Program in Taxation
- CML3112: Social Justice Law
- CML2117: Introduction to Law
- CML3117: International Law
- CML4117: Protection of Civilians in International Law
- CML2517: Introduction au droit
- CML2614: Procédure civile II
- CML2718: Droit fiscal international
- CML2819: Cours approfondi de droit des affaires
- CML3353: Règles de pratique des tribunaux fédéraux
- CML3564: Droit administratif approfondi
- CML3570: Planification des successions
- CML3716: Stage en droit et technologie
- CML3744: Droit fiscal approfondi
- CML3758: Le droit de l'informatique - La protection des droits de propriété intellectuelle
- CML3761: Droit approfondi des sociétés
- CML3763: Droit de la famille approfondi
- CML3783: Fiscalité des sociétés
- CML3849: Clinique pratique d'aide juridique II
- CML3850: Clinique pratique d'aide juridique III
- CML4508: Études en droit international
- CML4529: Droit de l'environnement approfondi
- CML4715: Droit des délits approfondi
- CML3512: Théorie et pratique en droit et justice sociale
Courses NOT available to exchange students
- BCH2333: Introduction to Biochemistry
- BCH2733: Introduction à la biochimie
- BCH3346: Biochemistry Laboratory II
- BCH3356: Molecular Biology Laboratory
- BCH3746: Laboratoire de biochimie II
- BCH3756: Laboratoire de biologie moléculaire
- BCH4040: Honours Research-Biochemistry
- BCH4932: Biochemistry Seminar
- BIM3009: Research Practicum
- BIM4006: Research Project-Biomedical sciences
- BIM4009: Research Project-Biomedical sciences
- BIM4316: Modern Bioanalytical Chemistry
- BIM4920/BIM4921: Biomedical Sciences
- BIO3009: Research Practicum
- BIO3103: Field Biology
- BIO3126: General Microbiology Laboratory
- BIO3137: Experiments in Animal Physiology
- BIO3151: Molecular Biology Laboratory
- BIO3152: Cell Biology Laboratory
- BIO3503: Biologie de terrain
- BIO3537: Expériences en physiologie animale
- BIO3546: Ecophysiologie des plantes
- BIO3551: Laboratoire de biologie moléculaire
- BIO3552: Laboratoire de biologiecellulaire
- BIO3154: Population and Community Ecology
- BIO3310: Plant Systematics and Diversity
- BIO3334: Invertebrate Zoology
- BIO4004: Research Project-Biology
- BIO4009: Research Project-Biology
- BIO4122: Practical Work in Animal Behaviour
- BIO4150: Spatial Ecology
- BIO4156: Freshwater Ecology
- BIO4522: Travaux pratiques en comportement animal
- BIO4550: Écologie spatiale
- BIO4556: Écologie des eaux douces
- BIO4920/BIO4921: Seminar
- BIO4910: Field course in Ecology
- BPS4006: Research Project-Biopharmaceutical Sciences
- BPS4019: Research Project–Biopharmaceutical Sciences
- BPS4900: Seminar
- BPS4126: Synthetic and Medicinal Chemistry Laboratory
- BPS4526: Laboratoire de chimie médicinale et synthèse organique
- CHM4010: Research Project and Seminar-Chemistry
- CHM4016: Research Project-Chemistry
- CHM2313: Environmental Chemistry
- CHM3126: Laboratory of Organic Chemistry
- CHM3129: Catalysis and Sustainable Synthesis
- CHM3526: Laboratoire de chimie organique
- CHM4354: Principles of Instrumental Analysis
- EVS4009: Research Project-Environmental Sciences
- EVS4010: Field Course in Environmental Science
- EVS4904: Seminar
- GEO2020: Field Studies I
- GEO2113: Paleontology
- GEO2165: Stratigraphy and Sedimentation
- GEO2321: Structural Geology and Tectonics
- GEO2334: Quaternary Geology and Climate Change
- GEO2513: Paléontologie
- GEO2565: Stratigraphie et sédimentation
- GEO3164: Metamorphic Petrology
- GEO3165: Carbonate Sedimentology
- GEO3920: Field Studies II
- GEO3372: Petrology of Mineral Deposits
- GEO4010: Research Project-Geology
- MAT4900: Research Project-Mathematics
- MAT4992: Seminar
- MAT4996: Special Topics in Applied Mathematics
- OMT3122: Ocular Anatomy and Physiology
- OMT3123: Optics, Refractometry and Optical Instruments
- OMT3124: Basic Diagnostics I
- OMT3125: Clinical Application I
- OMT3126: Ophtalmic Subspecialties
- OMT3127: Basic Diagnostics II
- OMT3128: Ophtalmic Basic Science Seminars
- OMT3231: Introduction to Ophtalmic Technology: Basic Skills I
- OMT4122: Advanced Diagnostics
- OMT4123: Ophtalmic Pharmacology
- OMT4125: Ophtalmic Basic Science Seminars
- OMT4126: Specialized Diagnostic Evaluations
- OMT4127: Advanced Perimetry
- OMT4128: Abnormalities of the Eye and Common Ocular Complaints
- OMT4201: Basic Skills II
- OMT4224: Clinical Application II
- PHY4006: Physics Research Project
- PHY4906: Physics Project
- SCI2901: Co-op Work Term
- SCI3901: Co-op Work Term
- SCI3902: Co-op Work Term
- SCI4100: Special Topics in Science, Society and Policy
- SCI4910: Science Entrepreneurship
- SCI4901: Co-op Work Term
- SCI4902: Co-op Work Term
Courses with waiting lists
- BCH3120: General Intermediary Biochemistry
- BIO3146: Ecophysiology of Plants
- BIO3360: Computational Tools for Biological Sciences
- BIO3526: Laboratoire de microbiologie générale
- BIO3760: Outils informatiques pour la biologie
- BIO3924: Biology of Algae and Fungi (bilingual)
- BIO4558: Biostatistique appliquée
- BPS4127: Advanced Techniques in Biosciences
- BPS4527: Techniques avancées en biosciences
- CHM3350: Transition Metal Chemistry
- CHM3750: Chimie des métaux de transition
- EVS3102: The Practice of Environmental Science
- EVS3502: La pratique des sciences de l'environnement
- GEO2164: Analytical Methods in Mineralogy
- GEO2563: Introduction à la minéralogie
- GEO2564: Méthodes analytiques en minéralogie
- GEO2734: Géologie quaternaire et changement climatique
- GEO3163: Igneous Petrology
Graduate-level course restrictions
Courses NOT available to exchange students
- ARV: All courses are reserved for students registered in the program
- BIL5001: Practicum
- BIL5101: Issues in Bilingualism Studies
- BIL5102: Research Methodology in Bilingualism Studies
- BIL5501: Questions en études du bilinguisme
- BIL5502: Méthodologies de recherche en études du bilinguisme
- BIL7990: Thesis Proposal
- BIL7998: Research Paper
- CMN*: All 5000 level courses in English / All 6000, 8000 and 9000 level Courses.
IMPORTANT: See note* at the end of the list of courses not available. - CMN5500: Méthodes de recherche
- CMN5531: Théories de la communication organisationnelle
- CMN5532: Théories et effets des médias
- CMN5900: Directed Studies
- CMN5910: Internship
- CLA5900: Mémoire
- CLA5926: Directed Readings in Ancient Language
- CLA5999: Research Paper
- CLA6998: Translation examination
- ENG6111: Directed Readings I
- ENG6112: Directed Readings II
- ENG6999: Major Research Paper
- ENG7997: M.A. Thesis Proposal
- ENG9997: Ph.D. Thesis Proposal
- ENG9998: Comprehensive Exam (Ph.D.)
- ESP5972: Directed Studies I
- ESP5974: Directed Studies II
- ESP6972: Directed Studies
- ESP7997: Research Paper
- ESP9998: Comprehensive Examination
- FRA5590: Séminaire de méthodologie modulaire et interdisciplinaire I
- FRA5591: Séminaire de méthodologie modulaire et interdisciplinaire II
- FRA7997: Mémoire
- FRA7998: Projet de thèse de maîtrise
- FRA9997: Projet de thèse de doctorat
- FRA9998: Comprehensive Examination
- GEG5000: Graduate Field Camp
- GEG7906: Directed research
- GEG7910: Directed Readings
- GEG7996: Preparation and Presentation of the MSc Thesis Project
- GEG7998: Preparation and presentation of the MA Thesis Project
- GEG8900: Directed Readings
- GEG9001: Preparation of Ph.D. Thesis Project
- GEG9998: Comprehensive Examination
- HIS: All 8000 and 9000 level courses.
- HIS5122: Research Seminar
- HIS5199: English Language Requirement in History
- HIS5522: Séminaire de recherche
- HIS5599: Exigence de langue française en histoire
- HIS6999: Research Paper
- HIS7399: Directed Studies in History
- HIS7999: Études dirigées en histoire
- ISI: Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis. Normally, all courses are reserved for students enrolled in the program.
- LCM: Grad courses in World Literatures and Cultures will not be offered in 2024-2025.
- LIN5998: Guided Research I
- LIN5999: Guided Research II
- LIN7997: M.A. Research Paper
- LIN8398: Doctoral Seminar
- LIN9998: Ph.D. Qualifying Examination
- MUS: All 8000 and 9000 level courses / All performance courses
- MUS5902: External Practicum
- MUS6099: Research Paper
- MUS6994: Independent Studies in Musical Pedagogy
- MUS6995: Directed Readings in Musical Pedagogy
- MUS6996: Independent Studies in Performance
- MUS6997: Directed Readings in Theory
- MUS6998: Directed Readings in Musicology
- MUS7902: Thesis proposal
- MUS7980: Major Creative Project (Performance)
- MUS7981: Major Creative Project (Composition)
- MUS7993: Composition Recital
- MUS7994: Major Composition
- MUS7995: Composition Portfolio Defence
- MUS7996: Recital l
- MUS7997: Recital ll
- MUS7998: Recital Defence
- MUS7999: Thesis
- PHI: All 8000 level courses.
- PHI6904: Directed Studies
- PHI6999: Preparation and Presentation of the M.A. Thesis Project
- SRS5928: Thesis Proposal
- SRS5999: Research Paper
- SRS6980: Directed Study l
- SRS7080: Directed Study ll
- SRS7988: Literature Review M.A
- SRS8916: Supervised Research
- SRS8928: Thesis Proposal
- SRS9998: Comprehensive Examination
- THE5901: Production I
- THE5902: Production II
- THE5903: Production III
- THE5931: Graduate Directing Seminar I
- THE5932: Graduate Directing Seminar II
- THE5933: Graduate Directing Seminar III
- THE5934: Graduate Directing Seminar IV
- THE5952: Formal Pre-Production Analysis
- THE6001: Final Production
- THE6901: Directing Practicum
- THE6999: Major Research Paper
- TRA: All 7000, 8000 and 9000 level courses.
- TRA5102: Translation Theory
- TRA5103: Computer and Translation
- TRA5106: Language and Translation
- TRA5116: Translation Workshop (Chinese-English)
- TRA5904: Interpretation Practice I
- TRA5908: Interpretation Practice II
- TRA5911: Court Interpretation
- TRA5920: Guided Research I
- TRA5921: Conference Documentation l
- TRA5930: Guided Research ll
- TRA5951: Consecutive Interpretation from English to French
- TRA5952: Consecutive Interpretation from French to English
- TRA5970: Consecutive Interpretation Workshop from English to French
- TRA5971: Consecutive Interpretation Workshop from French to English
- TRA5972: Interpretation into French
- TRA5973: Interpretation into English
- TRA6102: Discourse and Translation
- TRA6106: Technical and other Specialized Translation
- TRA6111: Research Methods in Translation Studies
- TRA6907: Theory of Interpretation
- TRA6908: Guided Readings I
- TRA6910: Practicum
- TRA6920: Guided Research III
- TRA6930: Guided Research IV
- TRA6950: Interpretation from English to French
- TRA6951: Simultaneous Interpretation from French to English
- TRA6952: Conference Documentation II
- TRA6970: Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop from English to French II
- TRA6971: Simultaneous Interpretation Workshop from French to English
- TRA6998: Final Exam
Comments: *CMN/Communication: Requests will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis and, registration in the courses will be confirmed,subject to the availability in the selected courses. Of note, the courses listed below are reserved forstudents enrolled in the program.
List of courses NOT available to exchange students
- GNG: No GNG courses available
- MEM: No MEM courses available
- IAI: No IAI courses available
- SEC: No SEC courses available
- MIA: No MIA courses available
- DTO: No DTO courses available
- EED: No EED courses available
- EMP: No EMP courses available
- No Carleton courses allowed
- MCG5171: Applied Reliability Theory
- MCG5447: Seminaires M.Eng
- MCG5900: Séminaires M.A.Sc
- MCG9900: Séminaires PhD
- MCG9997: Proposal
- MCG9998: Comprehensive Exam
- MCG5396: Directed studies
- CVG6000: Civil Engineering Report
- CVG5366: Civil Engineering Master’s Seminar
- CVG8366: Civil Engineering PhD Seminar
- CVG9998: Civil Engineering Comprehensive Exam
- EVG5800: Environmental Engineering Master’s Seminar
- EVG5801: Environmental Engineering PhD Seminar
- EVG6001: Environmental Engineering Report
- EVG9998: Environmental Engineering Comprehensive Exam
- ELG5142: Ubiquitous Sensing Systems for Smart Cities
- ELG5164: Cloud Infrastructure & Technologies
- ELG5295: Ethics for Design, AI and Robotics
- ELG5301: Professional Development Workshop
- ELG5902: Industry Internship Project
- ELG5901: ELG Project
- ELG7199: Directed Study
- ELG9997: Thesis Proposal
- ELG9998: Comprehensive Exam
- AMM9998: Comprehensive Exam
- AMM9997: Thesis Proposal
- AMM5396: Directed Studies
- CHG9998: Comprehensive Exam
- CHG8101S: Seminar I
- CHG8102S: Seminar II
- SYS5160: Systems Integration
- DTI5310: Ethics for Design, AI, and Robotics
- DTI5124: Internet Technologies and Mobile Commerce
- DTI5125: Data Science Applications
- DTI5126: Fundamentals for Applied Data Science
- DTI5175: Mobile Commerce Technologies
- DTI5389: Electronic Commerce Technologies
- DTI8101: Interdisciplinary Doctoral Seminar in Digital Transformation and Innovation I
- DTI8102: Interdisciplinary Doctoral Seminar in Digital Transformation and Innovation II
- CSI5100: Data Integration
- CSI5101: Knowledge Representation
- CSI5102: Topics in Medical Computing
- CSI5106: Cryptography
- CSI5108: Introduction to Convex Optimization
- CSI5110: Principles of Formal Software Development
- CSI5111: Software Quality Engineering
- CSI5113: Foundations Programming Languages
- CSI5115: Database Analysis and Design
- CSI5116: Authentication and Software Security
- CSI5118: Automated Verification and Validation of Software
- CSI5121: Advanced Data Structures
- CSI5124: Computational Aspects of Geographic Information Systems
- CSI5126: Algorithms in Bioinformatics
- CSI5128: Swarm Intelligence
- CSI5129: Advanced Database Systems
- CSI5131: Parallel Algorithms and Applications in Data Science
- CSI5135: Information Visualization and Visual Analytics
- CSI5136: Computer Security and Usability
- CSI5137: Selected Topics in Software Engineering (Category E)
- CSI5138: Selected Topics in Theory of Computing (Category T)
- CSI5139: Selected Topics in Computer Applications (Category A)
- CSI5142: Protocols for Mobile and Wireless Networks
- CSI5146: Computer Graphics
- CSI5147: Computer Animation
- CSI5149: Graphical Models and Applications
- CSI5152: Evolving Information Networks
- CSI5153: Data Management for Business Intelligence
- CSI5154: Algorithms for Data Science
- CSI5155: Machine Learning
- CSI5161: Principles of Distributed Simulation
- CSI5164: Computational Geometry
- CSI5166: Applications of Combinatorial Optimization
- CSI5167: Human-Computer Interaction Models, Theories and Frameworks
- CSI5168: Digital Watermarking
- CSI5169: Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
- CSI5173: Data Networks
- CSI5174: Validation Methods for Distributed Systems
- CSI5175: Mobile Commerce Technologies
- CSI5180: Topics in Artificial Intelligence
- CSI5183: Evolutionary Computation and Artificial Life
- CSI5185: Statistical and Syntactic Pattern Recognition
- CSI5195: Ethics for Artificial Intelligence
- CSI5200: Projects on Selected Topics
- CSI5218: Uncertainty Evaluation in Engineering Measurements and Machine Learning
- CSI5308: Principles of Distributed Computing
- CSI5311: Distributed Databases and Transaction Processing
- CSI5312: Distributed Operating Systems
- CSI5314: Object-Oriented Software Development
- CSI5342: Ubiquitous Sensing for Smart Cities
- CSI5343: AI-Enabled Communications
- CSI5344: Geometry Processing
- CSI5345: Internet of Things (IoT) Security
- CSI5346: Mining Software Repositories
- CSI5347: Trends in Big Data Management
- CSI5350: Machine Learning for Healthcare
- CSI5351: Quantum Communications and Networking
- CSI5352: Internet Measurement and Security
- CSI5380: Systems and Architectures for Electronic Commerce
- CSI5386: Natural Language Processing
- CSI5387: Data Mining and Concept Learning
- CSI5388: Topics in Machine Learning
- CSI5389: Topics in Machine Learning
- CSI5390: Learning Systems from Random Environments
- CSI5500: Projets en informatique
- CSI5501: Modèles formels de l'information
- CSI5510: Principles de développement formel de logiciels
- CSI5511: Génie de la qualité des logiciels
- CSI5126: Algorithmes en bio-informatique
- CSI5537: Thème choisi en génie logiciel (catégorie E)
- CSI5538: Thème choisi en théorie de l'informatique (catégorie T)
- CSI5539: Thème choisi en application informatique (catégorie A)
- CSI5540: Thème choisi en systèmes informatiques (catégorie S)
- CSI5555: Apprentissage machine
- CSI5561: Sujets en simulation et en optimisation des systèmes
- CSI5563: Analyse et conception des algorithmes
- CSI5565: Algorithmes combinatoires
- CSI5571: Télématique : Concepts et logiciels
- CSI5580: Sujets en intelligence artificielle
- CSI5780: Systèmes et architectures des logiciels pour le commerce électronique
- CSI5787: Fouille des données et apprentissage des concepts
- CSI5789: Technologies du commerce électronique
- CSI5900: Graduate Projects in Computer Science
- CSI5901: Directed Studies
- CSI5903: Electronic Commerce Work Term
- CSI5904: Graduate Project in Electronic Commerce
- CSI6900: Intensive Graduate Projects in Computer Science
- CSI7131: Advanced Parallel and Systolic Algorithms
- CSI7160: Advanced Topics in the Theory of Computing
- CSI7161: Advanced Topics in Programming Systems and Languages
- CSI7162: Advanced Topics in Computer Applications
- CSI7170: Advanced Topics in Distributed Computing
- CSI7314: Advanced Topics in Object-Oriented Systems
- CSI7561: Études avancées en systèmes et langages de programmation
- CSI7900: Graduate Projects in Computer Science
- CSI7901: Directed Studies
- CSI9997: Doctoral Thesis proposal
- CSI9998: PhD Comprehensive
- BMG5104: Biological Signals
- BMG5105: Medical Image processing
- BMG5106: Intro to Medical Imaging Principles and Text
- BMG5107: Wavelet Applications in Biomedical Image Processing
- BMG5108: Advanced Topics in Biomedical Image Processing
- BMG5110: Advanced Topics in Biomechanics and Biomaterials
- BMG5112: Introduction to Biomedical Eng.
- BMG5113: Clinical Engineering
- BMG5130: Fundamentals of Policy I: Policy Analysis
- BMG5301: Biomechanis of Skeletal System, Motion and Tissue
- BMG5302: Biofluid Mechanics
- BMG5303: Erogonomics and Design
- BMG5304: Interactive Networked Systems and Telemedicine
- BMG5305: Pattern Classification and Experiment Design
- BMG5306: Special Topics in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Biomechanics
- BMG5311: Design of Medical Devices and Implants
- BMG5312: Design of Orthopaedic Implants and Prostheses
- BMG5314: Biocontrols
- BMG5315: Biorobotics
- BMG5316: Biotransport Processes
- BMG5317: Medical Computing
- BMG5318: Advanced Health Care Engineering
- BMG5323: Rehabilitation Engineering
- BMG5501: Étude technique et modélisation de l'anatomie et de la physiologie du corps humain
- BMG5502: Éthiques, normes et méthodes de recherche
- BMG5001: Clinical Engineering Internship
- BMG6000: Biomedical Engineering Project
- BMG6001: Clinical Engineering Project
- BMG6999: Biomedical Eng. Seminar
- BMG7199: Directed studies in Biomedical Engineering
- BMG9901: Biomedical Engineering PhD seminar
- BMG9997: Report and Defence of Thesis proposal
- BMG9998: PhD Comprehensive exam
Comments: Courses with ‘waitlist”: priority is given to uOttawa students. If seats become available then exchange students can request to register.
Courses open to exchange students
- APA6101: Quantitative Data Analysis in Sport, Physical Activity and Health
- APA6102: Selected Topics in Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Physiological Studies
- APA6103: Selected Topics in Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Biomechanics
- APA6104: Selected Topics in Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Sociocultural Studies
- APA6109: Selected Topics in Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Motor Control and Learning
- APA6111: Selected Topics in Sport, Physical Activity and Health: Leisure Studies
- APA6303: Quantitative Research Methods in Sport, Physical Activity and Health
- APA7301: Critical Socio-Cultural Perspectives on Sport, Physical Activity and Health
- APA7302: Contemporary Psychological Theories in Sport, Physical Activity and Health
- APA7304: Advanced Exercise Metabolism and Physiology
- APA7305: Advanced Topics in Biomechanics and Motor/Control Learning
- APA7701: Perspectives critiques socioculturelles sur le sport, l'activité physique et la santé
- APA7702: Théories psychologiques contemporaines du sport, de l'activité physique et de la santé
- APA7704: Principes avancés de la physiologie et du métabolisme de l'exercice
- APA7705: Principes avancés de la biomécanique et de l'apprentissage du contrôle moteur
Comments: Courses at the 7000 level are reserved to PhD students.
List of courses NOT available to exchange students
- ANT6150: Methodology and Research Proposal in Anthropology
- ANT6550: Méthodologie et problématique
- ANT7990: Research Project
- ANT7998: Research Paper
- ANT8500: Séminaire de doctorat
- ANT8501: Séminaire avancé de recherche en anthropologie
- API5100: Economics of Public and International Affairs
- API5500: Économie d’affaires publiques et internationales
- API6910: International Internship
- API6999: Major Research Paper
- CRM6320: Research Methodology in Criminology I
- CRM6325: Research Seminar in Criminology
- CRM6340: Theories of Intervention in Criminology and Alternative Practices
- CRM6345: Field Placement Seminar
- CRM6350: Contemporary Criminological Theories
- CRM6400: Field Work in Criminology II
- CRM6720: Méthodologie de recherche en criminologie I
- CRM6725: Séminaire de recherche en criminologie
- CRM6740: Théories de l’intervention en criminologie et pratiques alternatives
- CRM6745: Field Placement Seminar
- CRM6750: Théories criminologiques contemporaines
- CRM6800: Stage en criminologie II
- DVM5100: Understanding International Development and Globalization
- DVM5101: Research Methods
- DVM5500: Comprendre le développement international et la mondialisation
- DVM5501: Méthodes de recherche
- DVM6110: Directed Studies in Globalization and International Development
- DVM6510: Études dirigées en mondialisation et développement international
- DVM8108: Research Seminar in International Development
- DVM8111: International Development Theory, Policy and Practice
- DVM8508: Séminaire de recherche en développement international
- DVM8511: Théories, politiques et pratiques du développement international
- ECO6999: Major Paper
- ECO7001: Second Year Research Paper
- ECO7002: Workshop
- ECO7003: PhD Thesis Workshop I
- ECO7004: Workshop
- ECO7005: PhD Thesis Workshop II
- FEM6999: Research Paper
- FEM6997: Master's Thesis Proposal
- FEM5700: Théories féministes
- FEM5300: Feminist Theories
- FEM5503: Méthodologies féministes
- FEM5103: Feminist Methodologies
- FEM8501: Séminaire en études des femmes
- FEM8101: Seminar in Women’s Studies
- FEM9998: Examen de synthèse
- FEM9997: Projet de thèse
- PAP6998: Thesis Proposal
- PAP7998: Research paper
- PAP8510: Séminaire de recherche en administration publique I
- PAP8511: Séminaire de recherche en administration publique II
- PAP9310: Public Management
- PAP9311: Public Policy
- PAP9320: Seminar in Major Field: Public Management
- PAP9330: Seminar in Major Field: Public Policy
- PAP9710: Gestion publique
- PAP9711: Politiques publiques
- PAP9720: Séminaire dans le champ majeur : Gestion publique
- PAP9730: Séminaire dans le champ majeur : Politiques publique
- POL6101: Research Methods in Political Science
- POL6501: La méthode en science politique
- POL7366: Thesis Proposal Design
- POL7766: Préparation du projet de thèse
- POL7979: Research Paper
- POL8110: Seminar in the Minor Field: International Relations
- POL8111: Séminaire dans le champ mineur : Politique compare
- POL8112: Seminar in the Minor Field: Canadian and Québec Politics
- POL8113: Seminar in the Minor Field: Political Thought
- POL8510: Séminaire dans le champ mineur : Relation internationale
- POL8511: Séminaire dans le champ mineur : Politique comparée
- POL8512: Séminaire dans le champ mineur : Politique canadienne et québécoise
- POL8513: Séminaire dans le champ mineur : Pensée politique
- POL9200: Theories and Problems in International Relations
- POL9218: Theories and Problems in Comparative Politics
- POL9219: Theories and Problems in Canadian and Quebec Politics
- POL9220: Theories and Problems in Political Thought
- POL9350: Thesis Proposal
- POL9600: Théories et problèmes en relations internationales
- POL9618: Théories et problèmes en politique comparée
- POL9619: Théories et problèmes en politique canadienne et québécoise
- POL9620: Théories et problèmes en pensée politique
- POL9750: Projet de thèse
- PSY5102: Applied Psychopathology
- PSY5125: Principles of Neuropsychology
- PSY5202: Psychodiagnostic Assessment of Adults and Children
- PSY5207: Psychological Intervention and Consultation
- PSY5502: Psychopathologie appliquée
- PSY5525: Principes de neuropsychologie
- PSY5602: Évaluation psychodiagnostique des adultes et des enfants
- PSY5607: Intervention et consultation psychologique
- PSY6107: Clinical Applications of Interpersonal Theory
- PSY6122: Clinical Health Psychology
- PSY6126: Neuropsychological Assessment
- PSY6132: Child Psychopathology
- PSY6154: Child Psychotherapy
- PSY6170: Ethics and Professional Issues
- PSY6176: Clinical Geropsychology
- PSY6507: Applications cliniques de la théorie interpersonnelle
- PSY6526: Évaluation neuropsychologique
- PSY6532: Psychopathologie de l'enfant
- PSY6547: Psychologie scolaire
- PSY6570: Déontologie et questions professionnelles
- PSY6576: Psychologie clinique de la personne âgée
- PSY6926: Neuropsychological Assessment
- PSY6932: Child Psychopathology
- PSY6975: Clinical Geropsychology
- PSY6191: Seminars in Psychology
- PSY6591: Séminaires en psychologie
- PSY7104: Systemic Therapy
- PSY7105: Behaviour Therapy with Children and Family
- PSY7108: Multicultural Psychology
- PSY7109: Psychological Effects and Treatment of Trauma
- PSY7114: Seminar in Professional Psychology
- PSY7123: Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy
- PSY7124: Couples Therapy
- PSY7167: Family Psychotherapy
- PSY7504: Thérapie systémique
- PSY7505: Thérapie comportementale de l'enfant et de la famille
- PSY7508: Psychologie multiculturelle
- PSY7509: Effets et traitement psychologique du traumatisme
- PSY7514: Séminaires en psychologie professionnelle
- PSY7523: Thérapies comportementales et cognitives
- PSY7524: La thérapie des couples
- PSY7567: Psychothérapie familiale
- PSY7904: Systemic Therapy
- PSY7905: Behaviour Therapy with Children and Family
- PSY7908: Multicultural Clinical Psychology
- PSY7909: Psychological Effects and Treatment of Trauma
- PSY7923: Cognitive and Behaviour Therapy
- PSY7967: Family Psychotherapy
- SOC6101: Research Design in Sociology
- SOC6501: Problématique de recherche sociologique
- SOC7115: Sociological approaches to data literacy, analysis and synthesis
- SOC7116: Research design, identification and synthesis of relevant data
- SOC7117: Knowledge transfer for social action
- SOC7140: Advanced Quantitative Methodology
- SOC7141: Advanced Qualitative Methodology
- SOC7515: Lecture, analyse et synthèse des données à caractère sociologique
- SOC7516: Élaboration d’un devis de recherche, identification et synthèse des données pertinentes
- SOC7517: Mobilisation et transfert des connaissances pour l’action sociale
- SOC7540: Méthodologie quantitative avancée
- SOC7541: Méthodologie qualitative avancée
- SOC7940: Research Paper
- SOC7990: Thesis Proposal
- SVS5500: Fondements théoriques du service social
- SVS5510: Analyse sociohistorique des politiques sociales et du service social au Canada
- SVS5530: Méthodes d'intervention en service social
- SVS5601: Stage d'intervention en service social
- SVS5709: Laboratoire de préparation aux stages de maîtrise
- SVS5710: Séminaire d'intégration théorie pratique
- SVS6500: Problématique de la pratique et de la recherche dans le domaine de la santé
- SVS6510: Méthodes de recherche qualitatives et quantitatives dans le domaine de la santé
- SVS6515: Préparation au mémoire de recherche
- SVS6530: Séminaire d'intégration en recherche-intervention
- SVS6601: Stage de recherche-Intervention
- SVS6620: Mémoire de recherche
- SVS6700: Problématique de la pratique et de la recherche dans le domaine famille-enfance
- SVS6710: Méthodes de recherche qualitatives et quantitatives dans le domaine famille-enfance
- SVS7101: Epistemology and Social Work
- SVS7102: Advanced Study of the Theories and Practices of Social Intervention
- SVS7190: Advanced Research Seminar in Social Work
- SVS7501: Épistémologie et service social
- SVS7502: Étude avancée des théories et des pratiques d'intervention sociale
- SVS7590: Séminaire de recherche avancé en service social
List of courses NOT available to exchange students
- BIO9998: Comprehensive Examination
- BNF6100: MSc Seminar
- BNF6500: Séminaire de maîtrise
- BNF8166: Seminar in Bioinformatics
- BNF8766: Séminaire en bioinformatique
- CHM8256: Seminar I
- CHM8257: Seminar II
- CHM8958: Research Proposal
- CHM9998: Ph.D. Comprehensive
- GEO5900: MSc Seminar
- GEO8900: PhD Seminar
- GEO9998: Comprehensive Examination (Ph.D.)
- MAT5990: Seminar
- MAT5996: Research Internship
- MAT6990: Seminar
- MAT9998: Advanced Comprehensive Examination
- PHY9998: Comprehensive Examination (PhD)
- TOX9105: Seminar in Toxicology
All courses in the above-mentioned disciplines (BIO, BNF, CHM, GEO, MAT, PHY or TOX) offered under section I00 are offered at Carleton University and are not permitted to international exchange students.
List of courses NOT available to exchange students
- DCL5501: Méthodologie de la recherche juridique
- DCL5521: Initiation à la rédaction d'actes et à la profession notariale
- DCL5522: Stage de droit notarial
- DCL5523: Publicité des droits et propriété
- DCL5524: Relations familiales
- DCL5527: Décès et transmission des biens
- DCL5525: Négociation et transferts de propriété
- DCL5526: Engagements financiers
- DCL5528: Examen des titres immobiliers
- DCL5529: Droit des sociétés et baux commerciaux
- DCL5532: Droit notarial approfondi I
- DCL5533: Droit notarial approfondi II
- DCL5821: Stage en milieu professionnel
- DCL5301: Legal Research Methodology
- DCL5135: Contemporary Issues in Law
- DCL5322: Legislative Research and Drafting Methodology
- DCL6350: International Economic Law Case Studies
- DCL6319: Advanced International Economic Law
- DCL7300: Technoprudence: Legal Theory in the Information Age
- DCL7304: Technology Law Internship
- DCL7310: Technopolicy: Interplay Between Technologies and Existing Legal Rules
- DCL7504: Stage en droit de la haute technologie
- DCL5340: Sustainability and Law
- DCL5310: Normative Theory and Policy Implementation
- DCL5303: Studies in Legal Theory I
- DCL5743: Stage en droit de l'environnement
- DCL6545: Stage en common law et en commerce international
- DCL6550: Stage en droit humanitaire et en droit de la sécurité internationale
- DCL7022: Judicial Clerkship
Contact us
Tabaret Hall
550 Cumberland Street, Room 129
Ottawa, Ontario
K1N 6N5
Secure a spot in our virtual line for all services.
Hours of operation
September 1 to May 31:
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
June 1 to August 31:
Monday to Friday: 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Please note that the University of Ottawa offices are closed during statutory holidays and during the winter break. Visit the Important academic dates and deadlines page for more information.