As an inclusive community, the University of Ottawa recognizes that students, alumni, professors and staff have the right to use a “preferred name” to identify themselves, and that this should be reflected wherever possible in the University’s communications, official records, administrative systems and classrooms.


Your primary name (legal name) and preferred name (chosen name) are different and used in different situations. Here is some information on the University’s use of your primary and preferred names and on the procedure for changing one or the other.

Primary name (legal name)

Your primary name is your name registered with the government. Non-Canadian students can find their legal names on their immigration documents or passport.

The University uses your primary name on many documents instead of your preferred name to be sure that each person for whom it issues official information to external organizations for purposes such as confirming degrees or transcripts is properly identified. Here are some examples: job applications, student loans (OSAP or bank loans), taxes (T2202A slip), professional licensing bodies (e.g., for engineering, medicine, law, dentistry or architecture) and applications for admission to other educational institutions (e.g., graduate school applications or universities transfers).

Here are the main official University documents on which your primary, rather than your preferred, name appears:

  • Letters of attestation
  • Diplomas and certificates
  • Theses
  • Tax documents
  • Reports to government
  • Financial documents
  • Employment documents

Changing your primary name

Requests to change all or part of a legal name to correct a mistake or make any alteration, deletion, substitution or addition must be supported by original documents or by certified or notarized copies.

To change your primary name:

  1. Complete a Request for Primary Name Change form. Include your student number and sign the form.
  2. Provide a scan or picture of your passport with your correct, updated name. If you don’t have access to your passport, provide two pieces of government-issued ID with your correct name. The list of accepted ID is on the Request for Primary Name Change form. 

    IMPORTANT: All documents not in English or French must be translated into one of these languages by a certified translator.

  3. Email your primary name change request to InfoService.

Allow two to five business days for InfoService to process your request. When the change is made, you’ll receive a confirmation email.

Preferred name (chosen name)

A “preferred name” is a name that some individuals use to identify themselves, but which is different from their primary or legal name.

To facilitate communication with the University, you can make a request for your preferred name to be included in internal documents or messages, for example, in some uoZone applications or in emails. To ensure all University services are aware of your choice without exception, make this change before the start of the academic term. Many documents, such as class lists, are circulated at the beginning of the term and not subsequently updated. If you update your preferred name after classes begin, your instructors and some departments may not know about your name change and you’ll need to contact them yourself.

Your choice of preferred name is up to you and you don’t need to explain the reasons for the change. However, the University reserves the right to not use a name if it contains inappropriate or offensive language or is being used for misrepresentation.

If you change your preferred name in uoZone, here are the main documents and software that use it:

  • uOttawa Card or U-Pass records
    • Once your receive an email indicating that your new preferred name has been entered in our records, you must go to the uOttawa Card Service and U-Pass office (90U residence) to have your photo taken and receive your new student card showing your preferred name. Replacement fees apply.
  • The name displayed in your uOttawa inbox
  • Your greeting in the Student Center and the residence system
  • Class lists and transcripts
  • Your display name on VirtuO and Brightspace (Virtual Campus)

We’re working to expand the use of preferred names as much as possible, but some services may have longer delays or be unable to use the name in question.

Adding or changing your preferred name

Note: This procedure can’t be used to change your primary name.

Here are the steps to add to or change your preferred name:

  1. To update your preferred name, log into uoZone. Under the Applications tab, select Personal Information.
  2. Under the Names tab, select the Edit button, change your information and save.

Your preferred name will be saved. Interfaces related to uoZone are updated within five business days.

Additional information