France | Licence Diplôme d’Ingénieur Diplôme décerné par les Grandes Écoles CAPES CAPET Diplôme de l’École pratique des hautes études Diplôme des Écoles supérieures de Commerce Diplôme d’État de pharmacien, de sage-femme Diplôme de docteur en… médecine, vétérinaire, chirurgie dentaire | University Grandes Écoles Écoles d’administration/commerce accréditées par CEFDG |
Gabon | Licence Diplôme d’Ingénieur | University Grandes Écoles Instituts Supérieurs |
Gambia | Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor of medicine or surgery | University |
Georgia | Bakalavris diploma Bakalavris Khariskh Specialistis Diplomi | University |
Germany | Diplom (Fachhochschule/FH) – Pre-Bologna Bachelor (FH) - Bologna Process Bakkalaureus (1999) Bachelor of Education Magister Artium Diiplom Ingenieur, Pharmazeut | University Fachhochschule |
Ghana | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Great Britain or United Kingdom | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Greece | Ptychio | University Polytechnic Schools |
Guatemala | Licenciado Licenciatura Titulo universitario de… | University |
Guinea | Licence Licence Professionnelle Diplôme d’Ingénieur Maîtrise DES Diplôme en médecine, pharmacie | University |
Guyana | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Haiti | Licence DES Diplôme de Docteur en … pharmacie, vétérinaire, chirurgie dentaire | University Faculté des Sciences Appliquées |
Honduras | Bachillerato universitario Licenciatura | University |
Hong Kong | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Hungary | Alapkepzes Alapfokozat (Bachelor) Egyetemi Oklevel | University |
Iceland | Baccalaureatus Candidatus | University |
India | Bachelor’s Degree (3 years and higher) Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (B.A.M.S.) Bachelor of Homeopathic Medicine & Surgery (BHMS) | University |
Indonesia | Sarjana Muda Sarjana Strata Satu | University Polytechnic |
Iran | Karshenasi Bachelor Licence | University |
Iraq | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Ireland | Bachelor’s Degree (Ordinary) Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) | University |
Israel | Bachelor’s Degree Licence | University |
Italy | Diploma Di Laurea Licenza Laurea (180 ECTS) Laurea di Primo Livello Titulo Dottore Laurea di Dottore | University |
Jamaica | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Japan | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Jordan | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Kazakhstan | Bakalavriat Spetsialist | University |
Kenya | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Kuwait | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Kyrgyzstan | Diplom Bakalvra | University |
Laos | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Latvia | Bakalaurs | University |
Lebanon | Licence Maîtrise DES | University |
Lesotho | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Liberia | 4-year Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Libya | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Liechtenstein | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Lithuania | Bakalauras | University |
Luxembourg | Bachelor Professionnel Bachelor (180 ECTS) | University |
Macedonia | Diploma i struchen naziv specijalist Diploma za zavrshen prv ciklus na studii | University |
Madagascar | Licence Diplôme d’Ingénieur Diplôme de Docteur | University |
Malawi | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Malaysia | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Mali | Diplôme de l’École d’Administration Diplôme de l’École Normale Supérieure Maîtrise Diplôme d’Ingénieur | University École Nationale d’Administration École Normale Supérieure |
Malta | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Maurice | Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) | University |
Mauritania | Licence Licence Professionnelle en Gestion Diplôme de l’École Nationale d’Administration Maîtrise | University École Nationale d’Administration (ENA) École Normale Supérieure (ENS) Institut Supérieur d’Études Professionnelles (ISEP) |
Mexico | Licenciado Titulo de Biologo, de Ingeniero, Contador Publico, Medico, Quimica (4 to 5 years) | University |
Moldova | Diplomă de Licenta Diplomă de Studii Superiorare Diplomă de Doctor-Medic, Veterinar, Stomatolog Diplomă de Inginer | University |
Mongolia | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Montenegro | Diploma Visokog Obrazovanja | University |
Morocco | Licence Licence professionnelle Licence d’études fondamentales Diplôme d’Ingénieur d’État Maîtrise ès sciences et techniques Diplôme d’Architecture Diplôme de l’École normale supérieure Diplôme de Docteur | University École Normale Supérieure |
Mozambique | Licenciatura | University |
Myanmar | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Namibia | Bachelor’s Degree | University Polytechnic of Namibia |
Nepal | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Netherlands | WO Bachelor (BA/BSc) HBO Bachelor Ingenieur | University |
Netherlands (Antilles) | B. Science | University |
New Caledonia | Licence | University |
New Zealand | Bachelor’s Degree | University Institute of Technology and Polytechnic |
Nicaragua | Licenciatura Arquitecto Ingeniero Doctor | University |
Niger | Licence Diplôme d’Ingénieur Docteur en Médecine DESS | University Higher Institute (Grande École) |
Nigeria | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
North Korea | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Norway | Bachelor’s Degree Candidatus/a Høgskolekandidat | University |
Oman | Advanced Diploma (360 points) Higher National Diploma Bachelor’s degree (480 points) | University |
Pakistan | Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) Master's (following a 2 to 3 year Bachelor's) | University |
Palestine | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Panama | Licenciado Licenciatura | University |
Papua New Guinea | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Paraguay | Licenciado Licenciatura Prof. title of technico | University |
Peru | Licenciatura Licenciado Bachiller Titulo Profesional (4 years) Titulo de Ingeniero | University |
Philippines | Bachelor’s Degree Doctor | University |
Poland | Licencjat Inżynier (since 2005) | University |
Portugal | Licenciado Licenciatura | University Polytechnic Institute |
Qatar | Bachelor's Degree Bachelor of Education | University |
Romania | Diploma de Licentade Inginer Farmacista | University |
Russian Federation | Bakalavr Diploma spetsialista | University |
Rwanda | Licence Ordinary Bachelor’s Degree Diplôme de pharmacien de clinique Diplôme d’ingénieur Docteur en médecine | University |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | Bachelor’s Degree Medical Doctor | University |
Samoa | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
San Marino | Laurea di 1° Livello | University |
Saudi Arabia | Baccaloreus Bachelor’s Degree Doctor of Medecine | University |
Scotland | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Senegal | CAEM CAESTP CAPES CAPET Licence Licence Professionnelle | University |
Serbia | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Sierra Leone | Bachelor’s Degree Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery | University |
Singapore | Bachelor's Degree (minimum 3 years) Specialist Diploma Bachelor of Medecine | University Polytechnic |
Slovakia | Bakalar Inžinier Doktor lekárstva | University |
Slovenia | Akademski Universitetni Diplomirani Diploma o pridobljeni univerzitetni izobrazbi Profesor | University |
Solomon Islands | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Somalia | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
South Africa | Bachelor’s Degree | University University of Technology |
South Korea | Bachelor of…(Haksa) Licence Baccalaureat | University |
Spain | Licenciado Licenciatura Titulo de Graduado Titulo Superior de… Ingeniero Doctor | University |
Sri Lanka | Bachelor's Degree (3 years) | University |
Sudan | Bachelor's Degree | University |
Suriname | Bachelor's Degree | University Academy |
Sweden | Bachelor’s Degree Lärarexamen (120 points) Kandidatexamen | University |
Switzerland | Lizentiat Licence Licenza Brevet d’enseignement secondaire Bachelor (after 2010) Diplôme d’Ingénieur Diplôme de médecin | University École Polytechnique Fédérale (EFP) Federal Institutes of Technology (FIT) |
Syria | Licence Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Taiwan (China) | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Tajikistan | Bakalavr | University |
Tanzania | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Tchad | Licence Diplôme d’Ingénieur Doctorat en Médecine | University Grande École Institut Universitaire Spécialisé |
Thailand | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Timor Leste | Bacharelato Licenciatura | University Polytechnic Institute |
Togo | Licence Licence Fondamentale Licence Professionnelle Diplôme d’Ingénieur Diplôme de Docteur | University Higher School (École supérieure) Institute |
Tonga | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Trinidad and Tobago | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Tunisia | Diplôme National en Arts et Métiers Diplôme National d’Architecture Diplôme National d’Études Théâtrales Diplôme d’Ingénieur Licence Appliquée Licence Professionnelle (as of 2006) Licence Recherché (as of 2006) Maîtrise Diplôme d´État de Docteur en Médecine | University Higher Education Institution |
Turkey | Lisans Diplomasi Mühendislik Diplomas | University |
Turkmenistan | Bakalavr Diplom Spetsialista | University |
Uganda | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Ukraine | Dyplom Bakalavra Dyplom Likar Dantýst Veterynár | University |
United Arab Emirates | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
United Kingdom | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
United States of America | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Uruguay | Licenciatura Licenciado | University |
Uzbekistan | Bakalavr Diploma with qualification | University |
Venezuela | Licenciatura Licenciado | University |
Vietnam | Bang Tot Nghiep Dai Hoc | University |
Yemen | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Zambia | Bachelor’s Degree | University |
Zimbabwe | Bachelor’s Degree | University |