Each year, many students from China come to the University of Ottawa for a Canadian degree. They come because of the reputation the Canadian education system enjoys, and in particular, because of the University of Ottawa’s unique multicultural and bilingual (English and French) environment.

Located in the heart of Canada’s capital, the University of Ottawa offers the best of both worlds: you can live and study in English or in French, with the opportunity to become fully bilingual.

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Beware of fraud

The services of an agency are not mandatory to apply at the University of Ottawa. If you use the services of an agency, we recommend that you choose one from our list of approved partners. Make sure you have access to your account information and the e-mail address used for your application at all times.
Discover our recruitment partners

If you are an applicant originally from China currently studying in Canadian institution,please select your current or last school system for information specific to your profile.

If you are applying from a secondary school, you must meet the following conditions to be considered for admission to an undergraduate program:

  • Have obtained, or be in the process of obtaining, your Senior High School Graduation Diploma or Upper Middle School Graduation Certificate. (Please note that we do not consider the Huikao or Gaokao results during the admission process.)
  • Have a minimum average of 75% and have passed a minimum of five subjects (including the program prerequisites) during your final year (requirements might be higher depending on the program of study you choose).
  • Submit an English proficiency test. If you are applying to a program offered in English, the completion of the English prerequisite in your Senior year is mandatory to be considered for admission.

Space is limited and admission is competitive and not guaranteed. We reserve the right to deny admission even if an applicant meets all requirements.

If you are currently studying in a French lycée or studying another recognized curriculum such as the International Baccalaureate,  GCE curriculum or an American-patterned curriculum, see our information specific to your situation.

Check below the admission average  you need to be considered for the program(s) you’re interested in.  

Check the prerequisite courses and additional requirements. You must have taken these prerequisites in secondary school or their college or university equivalents. Please note that if you have attempted university or college studies and completed your prerequisites in secondary school, they will not be counted in your admission average. Your average will be calculated based on your postsecondary courses. Indeed, if you completed or attempted postsecondary studies, your admission average is calculated based on them, even if you apply to an undergraduate program. 
Please note that the requirements listed are minimum requirements only and are subject to change. Meeting these minimum requirements does not guarantee admission.

Programs you can be accepted intoBenefits and requirements

Honours bachelor’s

Honours bachelor’s with major

Joint honours bachelor’s

Integrated honours bachelor’s

  • 4 years
  • Direct entry after secondary school
  • Option to study more than one discipline in certain programs by adding a major or minor
  • Access to the Co-operative education programs
  • Can lead to admission to law or education programs
  • Can lead to admission to graduate diploma or master’s programs
  • 3 years
  • Direct entry after secondary school
  • General education giving grounding in a field of study in arts or social sciences
  • No access to the Co-operative education programs
  • Can lead to admission to honours bachelor’s programs
  • Can lead to admission to law or education programs

Once you have submitted your application and received your acknowledgment of receipt, you can submit your documents in uoZone. If you are currently in your Senior 3 or Grade 12, submit the following documents:

  • Transcripts for the past three years of secondary studies
  • English proficiency test results
  • Transcript for the first term of your final year (Senior 3 or Grade 12)
Tabaret Hall

Prerequisite courses

Before applying, make sure you meet the admission requirements. Check the minimum averages and prerequisite courses you need for your chosen program.
Check minimum averages and prerequisite courses.

If you have completed some postsecondary studies, you will be evaluated based on them, even if you are applying for an undergraduate program.

We may grant you transfer credits, depending on the program to which you apply. Faculties that grant transfer credits base their decision on the discipline, the courses you have completed and the length of your studies.

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WeChat platform

If the virtual one-on-one meeting is currently not available in your region, please add the liaison officer’s WeChat: 15611409018 and make appointment. You can also follow our official account on WeChat for more information. WeChat Account Name: “加拿大渥太华大学教育”

若我们的一对一线上资讯平台在您的地区无法使用,请添加我们招生代表的咨询微信:15611409018 并留言或预约咨询。您还可以关注渥太华大学的官方微信号,了解更多申请信息!微信号搜索: “加拿大渥太华教育”

Please scan the QR code to subscribe our official WeChat platform: /请扫描以下二维码来关注我们的微信公众号平台

International admission events

Meet us during an admission event

Don’t miss an opportunity to get your questions answered! Whether you need help choosing your program, finalizing your admission application, or have already applied and have questions, we’ve got plenty of virtual opportunities for you to get the information you need, including recorded presentations on admissions from our different open house events. 

Admission and Programs viewbook

International Programs and Admissions Viewbooks

Interested in learning more about the University of Ottawa, its programs, admissions requirements and dynamic student life?

Download the viewbook in Chinese

International applicants uOttawa

Continue your application process

Review the steps and watch our videos.
Continue reading the application steps for international students

Contact information


Tabaret Hall  (map)
75 Laurier Avenue East, Room 109
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5

See wait times and secure a spot in our virtual line for all services or send us a request.

Stay connected

Continue to learn more about uOttawa by joining our mailing list and connect with other future students online.

Helpful links

For admission to Common Law or Medicine, contact the faculties offering these programs. For graduate studies, contact the academic unit of the faculty offering the program you are applying to.