New students
We hope you’re thrilled to start this new chapter in your life here at uOttawa. Our team of experienced student mentors will provide you with the information and support you need to make the most of your time at uOttawa. They were in your shoes not too long ago. Take a deep breath and get ready to embark on an unforgettable journey — Ready, Set, Go!
Ready, set, go!

Accept your offer
Instructions on accepting your offer are in your admission file in uoZone (your student portal) under the Applications tab. If you haven't received an admission decision yet, you can also track your admission status.

Pay your non-refundable admission deposit (if required)
If you’re an international student, you must pay a non-refundable admission deposit by the date specified in your admission offer in uoZone. The deposit amount will go towards your tuition fees for your admission term and it will be credited to your account when you enrol.
Your tuition deposit is non-refundable, except if your study permit application is rejected by IRCC. To qualify for a refund, you must provide proof your study permit application has been rejected. Once we’ve verified this, we’ll refund your deposit. You must request your refund by the last day to enrol for the term to which you’ve been admitted. We don’t grant refunds if you’re still awaiting a decision from IRCC regarding your study permit application.

Will you need housing and a meal plan?
Our residences offer housing on campus or in the surrounding areas. Meal plans depend on which style of residence you live in and how often you plan to eat on campus.

Be sure you know your student number
Your nine-digit identifier is in the email we sent you when you applied. The email includes your uoZone login information as well. Remember these credentials — you'll need them daily.

Enrol in your courses
Once you accept your offer of admission, you’ll need to enrol in your courses. For new and incoming undergraduate students, enrolment begins in May. The exact date will be announced soon.
We will have lots of enrolment support available once enrolment starts. Your regional mentor will be able to help you through the steps to enrol.

Apply for scholarships and financial aid
We want to help you reach your dream of postsecondary education with the lightest financial burden possible. Whether it’s through government aid, scholarships, or other bursaries, there’s definitely something for you!

Do you need a study permit?
International students must have a valid study permit before starting classes in Canada and ensure it remains valid throughout their program. Apply as soon as you’ve accepted your offer of admission and received your provincial attestation letter.

Improve your language skills
Keep up your French or become completely fluent through uOttawa’s French Immersion Stream. By taking some of your regular content courses in French, you’ll develop knowledge of your field in two languages.

Arrange for academic accommodations (if required)
If you have a temporary or permanent disability, you can receive academic accommodations for extra support during your studies. Email the Academic Accommodations Service as soon as possible.