Prerequisite courses and required averages for students from CEGEP

You must have attempted 12 CEGEP courses, including the prerequisites for your chosen program, but excluding make-up courses.

If you have attempted between 12 and 16 CEGEP courses, we might require an average that is 5% to 10% higher than if you have attempted 17 or more CEGEP courses. Please see below the admission average you need for each program, based on the number of courses you have passed.

Your admission average is based on all your completed CEGEP courses, including failed courses, but excluding make-up courses.

When you’re finished viewing the prerequisite courses and required averages, go back to the CEGEP page to follow the next steps and apply.


Civil Law

Common Law



Health Sciences




Social Sciences

Admission is not guaranteed. The minimum average required depends on the popularity of the program. Applicants who do not have the minimum average required for some of our most competitive programs may be considered for a program in related fields of study.

students walking on campus

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