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Introduction to teaching course

Are you in Grade 12 and interested in teaching?

If so, the university-level Introduction à l’enseignement course was created especially for you!

Explore the world of teaching, discover university studies and earn three university credits in Grade 12. In French only.

The course in a nutshell

  • Free: no charge to apply or take part, or for learning material
  • In French
  • Online: 90 live course minutes and 30 minutes of assignments each week
  • 20 sessions in the Winter and Spring of 2025; from January 29 to June 18 (with a break on March 12).
High school student playing guitar
  • Grade 12 students from French-language high schools in Ontario
  • Wednesdays from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
  • From January 29 to June 18 (with a break on March 12, 2025).
  • Support available outside class time
Young students learning
Tableau logo

Teaching from A to Z

Every week for 20 weeks, you’ll explore a different aspect of teaching: elementary and secondary school, realities of the teaching profession, educational background required, best practices in teaching, the close relationship between student, knowledge and teacher, and so on.

Numero un - medaille

Made for students like you

You’ll be studying with other Grade 12 students from French-language high schools in Ontario. The course was developed especially for secondary school students.

University diploma hat

Earn university credits

If you pass the course, you’ll receive three university credits (equal to one university course) that can count as an elective (course of your choice) in university. It’s a great way to get off to a good start at university!

University logo

Get ready for university

Activities to help you transition to university are included in the course to prepare you for next year. For example, you’ll be using the same tools as university students.


Want to take part?

If you’d like to take part in the Introduction à l'enseignementcourse, let the person at your school who told you about it. You’ll be able to sign up with that person’s help.

The University of Ottawa will then contact your school to coordinate your participation.

lady pointing

Terms of participation

By participating in the course, you agree to the following terms:

Online code of conduct

To ensure a high-quality learning environment, supportive for everyone, attendance will be taken at the start of each class. As well, we encourage these good practices to further mutual respect and consideration in the group:

It’s important to:

  • Arrive 10 minutes early to check your connection.
  • Be sure you have your course material and remove any distractions.
  • Mute your microphone when another person is speaking.
  • Turn on your camera so you’re actively and visually present during the class.
  • Be respectful at all times.

No disrespectful comments or speech will be tolerated.

Class recordings

The University of Ottawa will record every class and own the recordings. We reserve, for example, the right to share them in whole or in part with course participants, the Ontario Ministry of Education, participating school boards and their schools.

Any other recording requires the written consent of the professor as well as those attending the class. You must agree to use the recording for personal and educational purposes only. In other words, you agree to not publicize or share the recording you make through any means.

Punctuality and attendance

Punctuality and attendance are basic requirements of all teaching professionals. You must both attend and be on time. Arriving late to class creates a distraction from the course content for both students and teachers. If you’re absent for a significant reason or due to a prior agreement with the professor, you must send the professor a 500-word summary (one page single spaced) of the key course content you missed before you return for the following class. We will meet with any student not consistently on time and present, and may require an additional assignment. Finally, repeated absences (with or without reason) and tardiness will lead to a meeting with the professor and a note on this issue being sent to your school principal.

Academic Regulations

Get to know and follow the University Academic Regulations (category A).


students in front of Tabaret

Do you have more questions?

Write to us or contact your guidance counsellor.
[email protected]

The course PED 1501 Introduction to Teaching is an initiative that stems from Ontario's recruitment and retention strategy for French-language teachers and is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada under the Canada-Ontario Agreement.