students chatting outside in the fall

University credits for high school students

Are you in Grade 12 in an Ontario French-language school? Would you like to get a sneak preview of university?

We’re offering two university courses for people like you in September, and they’re free!

Offered in French only.
Student carrying books

Get ready for university

These are real university courses. You’ll see how courses work and how your knowledge is assessed, and you’ll use the same tools as university students. It will be like a smooth transition for you into the university world.
Students chatting outside the Arts courtyard

Study with students like you

You’ll study with a group made up exclusively of other Grade 12 students from Ontario French-language schools. Everyone’s starting from the same point and the professors will know that this is your first university course.
Student in front of her computer

Get university credits

If you pass the course, you receive three university credits (units) (equal to one university course) that could count towards your program once you’re at the university. It’s a great way to start your university studies off right!

Computer Science Course (ITI 1520)

Problem solving and algorithm design. Basic principles of software engineering: structure decomposition, documentation, testing and debugging. Variable types, expressions and assignment. Conditional and iterative control structures. Modules and parameter passing. Recursion. Fundamental data structures: arrays, strings, matrices, records. Introduction to objects. Includes examples of applications in various disciplines, including engineering.
Head over to the French version of this page for the schedule

Social Sciences course (SCS 1550)

Develop general knowledge and understanding of the social sciences, its main themes, and various perspectives on social realities. Gain the necessary skills to understand how societies work and how different social sciences disciplines contribute to knowledge. Critical readings, nuanced analyses expressing clear arguments based on existing data, and interpretations of different types of documents from a diversity of sources.
Offered in September 2024
Dessins d'enseignement

Introduction to teaching course (EDU 1501)

Are you in Grade 12 and interested in teaching? If so, the university-level Introduction à l’enseignement course was created especially for you!
Explore the world of teaching, and earn three university credits in Grade 12.
Campus on the fall

Want to participate to one of these courses?

Email us and include:
• your full name
• the name of your school
• the course you’re interested in
We’ll contact you and let you know what to do to enrol.
Email us here!


student in front of a computer

More questions?

Write us or contact your school’s guidance counsellors.
Let us help you