OLBI offers a suite of language tests for a variety of stakeholders and purposes. We follow international best practice in test design, administration, scoring and reporting procedures.

About the test

International students who wish to apply to the M.A. Program in Economics (Co-op Option), are required to complete an English proficiency test administered by the OLBI - Language Testing Services

Requirement: Applicants must receive a minimum score of 4.5 out of 5 in each section.

Description of the test

The English proficiency test is administered exclusively online.

This test is composed of two sections:

Writing Expression:The Writing test consists of writing a composition on a given topic. The time limit for this section is 45 minutes. This  portion of the test will be proctored via a Zoom session.

Speaking Expression: The Speaking Test consists of a Zoom interview with an evaluator who asks questions about the candidate’s personal and professional life, as well as more general topics. The interview will be recorded (audio only) and reviewed by a second evaluator. The interview lasts approximately 15-20 minutes.