The Placement test is used to ensure that current students interested in registering for one of the Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute’s English as a Second Language (ESL) or French as a Second Language (FLS - Français langue seconde) courses for the first time are placed in the correct course for their level.

Fees and access to the FLS and ESL placement tests

For ESL only: Verify if you are eligible to an exemption from the test (see below).

Test Fee: Once you have accessed the FLS/ESL placement test, a $29.95 non-refundable fee will be added to your Statement of account which can be viewed in uoZone. Please ensure that you access and run the right test.

Log in to uOLangTest using your student email address and password.

  • Try out the Practice Tests. This will ensure that you are familiar with the different types of questions and that your audio equipment is functioning properly.

Practice - English Listening and Reading Comprehension

Pratique – Compréhension orale et écrite - Français

  • Take the test:  

Classement/Placement - ESL Courses

Classement/Placement - Cours FLS.

Exemptions from the Online ESL Placement Test (Advanced-level ESL Courses Only)

You MAY be exempt from the Online ESL Placement Test if you meet ALL of the following conditions:

  1. You are enrolled in an English-language program and your first language is not English.
  2. At the time of your admission to the University of Ottawa, you submitted a language test score (e.g., IELTS, CanTEST, CAEL or TOEFL) which granted you unconditional admission to your program of studies (i.e., you were not required to take any ESL credit courses as part of your offer of admission); and,
  3. You are interested in taking an advanced-level credit course in the English language, at the ESL 2300 level or above.

If you meet ALL THREE of these conditions, please complete the form to have your information verified and to request an exemption from the Online ESL Placement Test.  You will receive an email with your exemption status for the Online ESL Placement Test.

If you are granted an exemption, your ESL course registration MUST be done with assistance; the University’s online course registration system will not let you register in a language course without a Placement Test score.

If you are an undergraduate student and you are exempt from taking the Online ESL Placement
Test, you will be directed to contact your Faculty for assistance with registration in an advanced-level ESL credit course.

If you are a graduate student and you are exempt from taking the Online ESL Placement Test, please contact OLBI directly for assistance with registration in an advanced-level ESL credit course.

Description of the ESL and FLS placement tests

The English Placement Test includes:

  • Three short listening passages which consist of a recorded conversation and multiple-choice questions related to the recording. You will hear the recording once.
  • Two longer listening passages which consist of a recorded conversation or lecture and multiple-choice questions related to the recording. You will hear the recording twice.
  • Three reading passages with multiple-choice questions which consist of a text which you must read and multiple-choice questions related to the text.
  • One fill-in the-blank activity which consists of a passage in which words have been deleted. You must choose, from the multiple-choice options, the words that best fit the blanks.
  • Some test-takers may be asked to complete additional fill-in-the-blank activities.

Test-takers must allow two hours to write the test, but may finish more quickly.

The French Placement Test includes:

  • One short listening passage which consists of a recorded conversation and multiple-choice questions related to the recording. You will hear the recording once.
  • Two longer listening passages which consist of a recorded conversation or lecture and multiple-choice questions related to the recording. You will hear the recording twice.
  • Three reading passages which consist of a text which you must read and multiple-choice questions related to the text.
  • One fill-in the-blank activity which consists of a passage in which words have been deleted. You must choose, from the multiple-choice options, the words that best fit the blanks.
  • Some test-takers may be asked to complete additional fill-in-the-blank activities.

Test-takers must allow two hours to write the test, but may finish more quickly.

Accessing the test

For ESL courses:

  1. Follow the login steps outlined in the uOLangTest Portal.
  2. After you login, find Classement/Placement – ESL Coursesin the Available Tests list.
  3. Click on the Start Test button next to the test title.
  4. Write the test and view your results immediately after submitting the test.

For FLS courses:

  1. Follow the login steps outlined in the uOLangTest Portal.
  2. After you login, find Classement/Placement – Cours FLS in the Available Tests list.
  3. Click on the Start Test button next to the test title.
  4. Write the test and view your results immediately after submitting the test.

Test Fee: Once you have accessed the FLS/ESL placement test, a $29.95 non-refundable fee will be added to your Statement of account which can be viewed in uoZone. Please ensure that you access and run the right test.

Understanding your test results

You will receive a list of courses for which you may register. This is the starting point for your second language studies at uOttawa. Please go to OLBI’s course registration page for more information about the courses and how to register for them.