- Second language socialization
- Second Language education in multicultural settings
- Second Language Writing
- Writing in digital spaces
- Bi/plurilingualism
- Translanguaging practices and plural approaches
- The use of technology in second language teaching
- University immersion and content based language teaching
- Research methods in applied linguistics
- Corpus linguistics
Jérémie Séror
Vice-Dean Governance, Faculty of Arts, Full Professor, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, and Member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and thereby authorized to supervise theses.
2008 : Ph.D., Language and literacy education, University of British Columbia;
2002 : M.A., Language and literacy education, University of British Columbia;
1996 : B.Ed., Teaching French and English, University of Ottawa;
1995 : B.A., Linguistics and Second language teaching, University of Ottawa.
Office : Simard Hall, 60, University Private (Room 110)
Work E-mail: [email protected]

Fields of Interest
My research interests focus on the socially constructed nature of academic literacies and multilingual students' educational and social achievement. These interests are motivated by the desire to improve the educational circumstances of multilingual students and their instructors. This work is motivated by over 20 years of working as both a French and English language teacher in public schools, overseas, and in university settings.
I am specifically interested in drawing on social theories of language to produce more robust and explicit understandings of the interaction of linguistic and social factors linked to language development.
Awards and achievements
- LLED Doctoral TESL Award, University of British Columbia, 2008;
- Faculty of Education Graduate Teaching Award, University of British Columbia, 2008;
- Travel award offered by the The Canadian Modern Language Review/ la Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 2006;
- SSHRC Doctoral research grant, 2004-2005;
- Scott Paper Graduate Fellowship, 2003.
Ongoing research
- Developing academic biliteracy: Longitudinal case studies of learning to write in Canada's official languages, SSHRC, 2017-2022
- Exploring the language socialization of university students participating in immersion programs;
- Investigating the writing processes and strategies of second language (L2) students as they learn to write in university contexts;
- Exploring the uses and applications of the use of screen capture technology for research and teaching in the context of second language classrooms.
Courses taught
- BIL 5502 : Méthodologies de recherche en études du bilinguisme
- DLS 2101 : Listening and Reading;
- DLS 2102: Speaking and Writing;
- DLS 3110 : Teaching Grammar;
- DLS 4105 :Language education in a multicultural and minority setting: From theory to practice;
- DLS 4505 : Enseignement des langues en milieu multiculturel et minoritaire : De la théorie à la pratique;
- ESL 2121 : Reading and Writing Skills for Second Language Learners: Advanced Level;
- FLS 2751 : Perfectionnement de l’expression orale en français langue seconde I.
Selected publications
Chapters in books
- Séror, J., & Gentil, G. (2023). Direct observation of writing activity: Screen capture technologies. In R. Manchón & J. Roca de Larios (Eds.), Research methods in the study of writing processes (pp. 141-160). John Benjamins. doi:10.1075/rmal.5
- Séror, J. (2021). Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS). In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. John Wiley & Sons. https://doi.org/10.1002/9781405198431.wbeal0177.pub2
- Séror, J. (2021). Plurilingualism in digital spaces. In G. Lawrence & A. Germain-Rutherford (Eds.), Routledge Handbook on Plurilingual Language Education (pp. 449-464): Routledge..
- Séror, J., & Weinberg, A. (2020). Language ideologies of immersion stakeholders. In H. Knoerr & A. Weinberg (Eds.), Immersion at the university level: Rethinking policies, approaches, and implementations (pp. 269-283). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Presses.
- Séror, J., Gohard-Radenkovic, A., & Knoerr, H. (2020). From applied linguistic theories to language and culture teaching: Origins of immersion. In H. Knoerr & A. Weinberg (Eds.), Immersion at the university level: Rethinking policies, approaches, and implementations (pp. 65-79). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Presses.
- Séror, J. (2019). Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) [revised and updated entry]. In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Concise Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics (pp. 223-229). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell.
- Weinberg, A., Séror J. et Simonet, T. (Accepted). Sur la piste des facteurs d’attrition et de rétention au sein du Régime d’immersion en français à l’université d’Ottawa. Revue canadienne des langues vivantes/Canadian Modern Language Review.
- Hamel, M.-J., & Séror, J. (2016). L2 writing processes mediated by technology. In C. Caws & M.-J. Hamel (Eds.), Learner Computer Interactions: New insights on CALL theories and applications (pp. 137-162). Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Séror, J., Gohard, A., & Knoerr, H. (2016). Des théories de la linguistique appliquée à la didactique des langues et des cultures : Genèse de l’immersion. In H. Knoerr, A. Weinberg & A. Gohard (Eds.), Politiques et pédagogies de l’immersion en français au niveau universitaire (pp. 77-93). Ottawa: University of Ottawa Presses.
- Séror, J., & Weinberg, A. (2016). Idéologie linguistique des acteurs du Régime d'immersion : le cas des professeurs de langues. In H. Knoerr, A. Weinberg & A. Gohard (Eds.), L'immersion française à l'université : politiques et pédagogies (pp. 379-400). Ottawa : Les presses de l’Université d’Ottawa.
- Séror, J., Gohard, A., & Knoerr, H. (2016). Des théories de la linguistique appliquée à la didactique des langues et des cultures : Genèse de l’immersion. In H. Knoerr, A. Weinberg & A. Gohard (Eds.), Politiques et pédagogies de l’immersion en français au niveau universitaire (pp. 77-93). Ottawa: Les presses de l’Université d’Ottawa.
- Weinberg, A., Séror, J., Knoerr, H., & Burger, S. (2015). Lessons learned from implementing French immersion studies program at the University of Ottawa. In R. W. Wilkinson, M. (Ed.), Integrating content and language in higher education: From theory to practice (pp. 195-120). Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Lang.
- Seror, J., "“Or, just it’s my fault right”: Language socialization through L2 writing feedback.", Reflexivity in language education, Rethinking multilingualism and interculturality, J. B. Clark & F. Dervin, New York, Routledge, 2014, 64-80.
- Séror, J. (2013). Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS). In C. A. Chapelle (Ed.), The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics.
Papers in refereed journals
- Miguel Addisu, V., & Séror, J. (2023). Apprendre à distance pendant la pandémie : pratiques déclarées de 1270 élèves plurilingues à l’AEFE. Contextes et Didactiques [En ligne].
- Séror, J. (2022). L’écriture à l’ère du numérique : Apport de la capture vidéo écran pour l’étude de la composition et la reformulation.Études de linguistique appliquée, 3, 365-378.
- Rhéaume, M., Slavkov, N., & Séror, J. (2021). Linguistic risk‐taking in second language learning: The case of French at a Canadian bilingual institution. Foreign Language Annals, 1-24.
- Séror, J., & Weinberg, A. (2021). Exploring the longitudinal impact of university immersion: Bilingual spaces, multilingual values. System, 99, 102523.
- Séror, J., & Weinberg, A. (2021). Bilinguisme et immersion universitaire. Vers la réalisation d’un idéal politique. Langage et societe(1), 151-173.
- Séror, J. & Weinberg, A. (2020). Students’ transition from secondary school French programs into university level French immersion. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics. Advanced online publication.
- Séror, J., & Gentil, G. (2020). Cross-linguistic pedagogy and biliteracy in a bilingual university: Students’ stances, practices, and ideologies. Canadian Modern Language Review / La Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 76(4), 356-374.
- Slavkov, N., & Séror, J. (2019). The Development of the Linguistic Risk-Taking Initiative at the University of Ottawa. Canadian Modern Language Review, 75(3), 254-272.
- Séror, J. (2018). On blind men, elephants, and immersion programs: Reflections on the 2017 university immersion symposium. Les cahiers de l'ILOB / OLBI Working Papers, 9, 89-100.
- Weinberg, A., Séror J. et Simonet, T. (2018). Sur la piste des facteurs d’attrition et de rétention au sein du Régime d’immersion en français à l’université d’Ottawa. Revue canadienne des langues vivantes/Canadian Modern Language Review 74(2), 302-330.
- Séror, J. (2017). Mieux comprendre les dimensions cachées de l’écriture grâce à la vidéocapture. Journal de l'immersion, 39(2), 21-23.
- Séror, J., & Weinberg, A. (2015). The University of Ottawa Immersion Program: Identity construction at the intersection of Canada’s ‘two solitudes’. Journal of Immersion and Content-Based Language Education, 3(2), 241–267.
- Séror, J., & Lamoureux, S. (2014). Regards croisés sur l'immersion au niveau universitaire : Perspectives étudiantes. Les dossiers des sciences de l'éducation, 32, 95-110.
- Hamel, M.-J. & Seror, J., "Innovative practices in computer assisted language learning", OLBI Journal / Les cahiers de l'ILOB, 5, 2013, 196 pp.
- Gentil, G., & Seror, J., "Canada has two official languages—or does it? Case studies of Canadian scholars’ language choices and practices in disseminating knowledge.", Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 13, 2013, 17-3-.
- Seror, J., & Weinberg, A., "Personal insights on a postsecondary immersion experience: Learning to step out of the comfort zone!", Les Cahiers de l'ILOB / OLBI Journal, 6, 123-140, 2013.
- Seror, J., "Screen capture technology: A digital window into students' writing processes / Technologie de capture d’écran: une fenêtre numérique sur le processus d’écriture des étudiants", Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology/La revue canadienne de l'apprentissage et de la technologie, 39(3), 1-16, 2013.
- Séror, J., & Weinberg, A. (2012). Construction identitaire et linguistique : Le régime d’immersion en français de l’Université d’Ottawa. Synergies Europe, 7, 215-230.
- Séror, J. (2012). Show me! Enhanced feedback through screencasting technology. TESL Canada Journal, 30(1), 104-116.
- Séror, J. (2011). Alternative sources of feedback and second language writing development in university content courses. Canadian Journal of Applied Linguistics (CJAL)/Revue canadienne de linguistique appliquée (RCLA), 14(1), 118-143;
- Séror, J. (2011). Exploring the contributions of second language socialization research for language teaching. Contact Research Symposium Issue, 37(2), 17-32;
- Séror, J. (2009). Institutional forces and L2 writing feedback in higher education. The Canadian Modern Language Review/ la Revue canadienne des langues vivantes, 66(2), 203-232;
Selected papers presented at conferences
- Séror, J. (2023, 2-4 novembre,). Enseigner en immersion à l'ère de l'apprenant numérique et de l'intelligence artificielle. Atelier offert dans le cadre du Congrès de l’ACPI : L'immersion : Phare du bilinguisme, Saint-Jean, NB.
- Séror, J., & Gentil, G. (2023, 7-10 Juin). Visualiser le plurilinguisme en action: L'emploi de la traduction automatisée par l'apprenant langagier. Conférence livrée à Plurensa-2023 : Plurilinguisme, enseignement-apprentissage, complexité et intégrité : perspectives épistémologiques, didactiques et politiques, l'Université Paul Valery Montpellier 3 et l'unité de recherche l’HUMAIN, Montpellier, France.
- Spiliotopoulos, V., & Séror, J. (2023, May 3). Research on an immersion/CLIL models of language support at the university level: Broadening the scope of Engagement. Pre-Conference symposium, CCERBAL Conference 2023, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada.
- Séror, J. (2023, March 20). Plurilingualism — Advantages for Life. Invited talk for the French American School of Puget Sound and the North American Network of French American Schools.
- Séror, J. (2022, August 12). Exploring plurilingual approaches to language learning education to support linguistically and culturally diverse students [Invited workshop]. Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education Annual Conference. Carleton University (Virtual), Ottawa.
- Séror, J. (2021, April 29). On bilingual spaces and the design of complexity. Paper presented in roundtable conducted at the CCERBAL 2021:Bilingualism and Beyond, University of Ottawa.
- Weinberg, A., Séror, J., & Simonet, T. (2019, November 21-23). Language portraits: Visualizing the evolution and transformation of university immersion students. Paper presented at Officially 50! A conference marking fifty years of linguistic duality and education in Canada, Gatineau, Quebec.
- Séror, J., Weinberg, A., & Simonet, T. (2020, October 16). Bilingual spaces, multilingual values: A case study. Paper presented at the 6th ICLHE Conference: "Multilingualism and Multimodality in Higher Education", UNIVERSITAT JAUME I, Valencia, Spain.
- Séror, J., Weinberg, A., & Simonet, T. (2019, June 27). From local to global: Mapping out the evolution and transformation of university immersion students. Paper presented at the International Symposium of Bilingualism, Edmonton, Alberta.
- Séror, J. (2019, 13 au 16 juin). Réflexion sur la promotion de la bi/plurilittératie à l’Université d’Ottawa au sein du Régime d’immersion. Communication présentée dans le cadre du Congrès 2019 du Réseau francophone de sociolinguistique, Ottawa.
- Séror, J. (2019, March 12). Lessons learned: Drawing on content based language learning principles to support campus internationalization. Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Séror, J. & Gentil, G. (2019, March 10). Translanguaging and biliteracy in a bilingual university: Student stances and ideologies. Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Slavkov, N., & Séror, J. (2018, April 18). Introducing the linguistic risk-taking passport. Invited talk presented for the FSL Provincial Working Group, Toronto, Ontario.
- Séror, J. (2018, April 13). Encourager l’étudiant à sortir de sa zone de confort : Le Passeport de prise de risque. Invited workshop presented at the Annual AQEFLS Conference, Montreal, Québec.