
Director, Undergraduate Studies Program

Language professor IV and Interim Assistant Director, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute (OLBI)

PhD Translation Studies, University of Ottawa, Canada, 2016

Room 021, Hamelin Hall, 70 Laurier Avenue East

Work E-mail : [email protected]

Work E-mail : [email protected] 

Work E-mail : [email protected]

Reza Farzi

Fields of interest

• Application of technology in second language learning

• Language curriculum development and research

• Academic literacies and readiness of international students in Canadian universities

• Global Englishes language teaching framework

• Plurilingualism and pluriculturalism in language teaching

• Translanguaging practices and pluralingual approaches

• Language-driven strategies for effective EDI and internationalization


My primary research and teaching interests lie in technology-enhanced language learning and data-informed language curriculum development. I am specifically interested in exploring the application of technology in additional language learning, devising effective language curricular content and conducting research on the academic literacies and readiness of international students in Canadian universities. I am also interested in developing language-driven strategies to enhance equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in educational settings and contribute to the internationalization of academic institutions. This work is motivated by over 20 years of (ESL and EFL) teaching at the university level, both in Canada and Iran.

Awards and achievements

• APTPUO Geraldine Arbach Dedicated Service Award, 2023

• University of Ottawa Leadership Award: Transition to Online and Distance Teaching Award, 2021

• Faculty of Arts Teaching Excellence Letters of Commendation, 2017–2022

• APTPUO Professional Development Fund, 2012–2014

• Pierre Daviault Scholarship, School of Translation and Interpretation, University of Ottawa, 2009–2010

Selected publications

Chapters in Refereed Books

  • Farzi, R., Romero, G., & Fleming, D. (2021). A professional development program for Chinese EFL teachers: A Global Englishes Language Teaching framework. In Language Teacher Education for Global Englishes. Routledge, 38-43.

Papers in Refereed Journals

  • Khatin-Zadeh, O., Eskandari, Z., Cervera-Torres, S., Ruiz Fernández, S., Farzi, R., & Marmolejo-Ramos, F. (2021). The strong versions of embodied cognition: Three challenges faced. Psychology & Neuroscience, 14(1), 16.
  • Vasilopoulos, G., Romero, G., Farzi, R., Shekarian, M., & Fleming, D. (2019). The practicality and relevance of peace in an EFL teacher training program: Applications and implications. Critical Inquiry in Language Studies, 16(1), 10-29.

Papers in Refereed Conference Proceedings

  • Farzi, R., & Fellus, O. (2022). Mission Possible: Incorporating Academic Literacy and Readiness into an English Intensive Program Curriculum. OLBI Journal, 12, 263-283.
  • Farzi, R., & Dion, C. (2019). Multimodal Self-Feedback to Foster Metacognition in a Second Language Writing Environment: The Insiders’ Perspectives. Méthodal, 3, 97-115.

Selected Papers Presented at Conferences and Learned Societies

  • Farzi, R. (2025). From chalkboards to chatbots: Empowering language educators in the age of AI. Paper presented at the 18th annual conference of Languages Canada, February 19-22, Ottawa, Canada.
  • Movassat, P., Farzi, R. (2025). L’intégration de la forme et du sens dans l’apprentissage d’une langue seconde: une méthodologie d’enseignement basée sur la perspective actionnelle. Université Paris Cité- INALCO, colloque international « De la linguistique à la didactique des langues », 23 et 24 janvier, Paris, France.
  • Farzi, R. (2024). Enhancing EAP Writing Instruction: Exploring Generative AI for Automated Formative and Summative Feedback. Paper presented at the IX DILLE Conference on "Technological Innovations in Linguistic Education," University of Basilicata, Matera, Italy.
  • Farzi, R. (2024). Programmes passerelles ESL: Intégration des littéracies universitaires et plus encore. Paper presented at L'ACFAS 91e Congrès, University of Ottawa, Ottawa.
  • Farzi, R. (2023). Crafting the Future: Generative AI Unleashed in Building Your EAP Toolkit for a New Era. Paper presented at the virtual conference "Building an EAP Toolkit for a New Era," Queen’s University in collaboration with the University of Ottawa, the University of Saskatchewan, Acadia University, Trent University, and Saint Mary's University.
  • Farzi, R., & Fellus, O. (2021). Mission Possible: Incorporating Academic Literacy and Readiness into an English Intensive Program Curriculum. Paper presented at the CCERBAL Conference, Ottawa, ON.
  • Ivanov, I. & Farzi, R. (2020). Institutional Logic and Dislocated Presentification: How Disincarnated Official Messages Failed to Perform Connectivity on the Web. Paper presented at the 36th EGOS Colloquium, Hamburg, Germany.
  • Farzi, R. (2019). (In)visible: The Lived Realities of Contract Faculty. Paper presented at the Association of Part-time Professors of the University of Ottawa Conference, Ottawa, ON.
  • Farzi, R. (2019). Taming Translation Technology for L2 Writing: Documenting the Use of Free Online Translation Tools by ESL Students in a Writing Course. Paper presented at the Translation Technology in Education Conference, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK.
  • Farzi, R., Shekarian, M., Romero, G., Vasilopoulos, G., & Fleming, D. (2019). The Pedagogy of Kindness in an EFL Teacher Training Professional Development Program: Applications and Implications. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for The Study of Education (CSSE) Conference, Vancouver, BC.
  • Romero, G., Vasilopoulos, G., Farzi, R. & Fleming, D. (2018). Linking Activism to Innovation and Epistemological Challenges in Language Education: Canadian Perspectives. Paper presented at the International Society for Language Studies Conference, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON.
  • Farzi, R., & Dion, C. (2018). Multimodal Self-Feedback to Foster Metacognition in a Second Language Writing Environment: The Insiders’ Perspectives. Paper presented at the Methodal Language Acquisition and Methodology Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece.
  • Romero, G., Vasilopoulos, G., Farzi, R. & Fleming, D. (2017). Reimagining Bilingualism and Biculturalism in Canada: Four Canadian Empirical Perspectives. Paper presented at the Canadian Society for The Study of Education (CSSE) Conference, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.

Major Invited Contributions 

  • Farzi, R. (2024). Revolutionizing EAP: Reinventing Teaching and Testing with AI.
    Invited presenter: Workshop Presentation, at the Professional Advancement Canadian EAP Virtual PD session. University of Ottawa in collaboration with Queen’s University, the University of Saskatchewan, Acadia University, Trent University, and Saint Mary's University.
  • Farzi, R. (2022). Teaching Language Courses Online and Understanding the Principles of Curriculum Design.
    Invited presenter: Workshop Presentation, National Languages Equality Advancement Project, to the Sri Lankan Higher Education Delegates, Alinea International
  • Farzi, R. (2020 - 2021). Mastering the Virtual Classroom: Transitioning to Online Teaching Success.
    Invited presenter: A Series of Workshop Presentations at the Official Language and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa.
  • Farzi, R. & Romero, G. (2019). Planning for Effective Learning in the International and Indigenous Language Learning Elementary Classroom.
    Invited presenter: Workshop Presentation at the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) to ILLE Teachers, Ottawa
  • Farzi, R. (2018). Academic Readiness Assessment Tool: Evaluating Preparedness for Academic Success.
    Invited presenter: Professional Development Day Workshop at the Official Language and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa.
  • Farzi, R. (2018). Enhancing Instruction in International and Indigenous Language Classrooms: Effective Teacher Strategies.
    Invited presenter: Workshop Presentation at the Ottawa Catholic School Board (OCSB) to ILLE Teachers, Ottawa
  • Farzi, R. (2018). Mastering Translation Tools: A Hands-On Workshop on Translation Technology.
    Invited presenter: Workshop Presentation for Graduate Students at the School of Translation and Interpretation (STI), University of Ottawa
  • Farzi, R. (2017). Synergizing Technology and Teaching Methodology in ESL/EFL Instruction.
    Invited presenter: A Series of Workshop Presentations (×4) at West China Professional Development Program, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
  • Farzi, R. (2016) Empowering ESL/EFL Educators: Integrating Technology for Enhanced Learning Experiences.
    Invited presenter: A Series of Workshop Presentations (×3) at West China Professional Development Program, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
  • Farzi, R. (2016). Translation Methodology Workshop.
    Invited presenter: Workshop Presentation for Graduate Students at the School of Translation and Interpretation (STI), University of Ottawa
  • Farzi, R. (2015). Effective Classroom Strategies for ESL and EFL Teaching.
    Invited presenter: A Series of Workshop Presentations (×2) at West China Professional Development Program, Faculty of Education, University of Ottawa
  • Farzi, R. (2015). EIP Curriculum Analysis and Development Workshop.
    Invited presenter: Professional Development Day Workshop at the Official Language and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa.
  • Farzi, R. (2015). The Need for New Curriculum: Aligning Course Learning Outcomes with the New EIP Levels.
    Invited presenter: Professional Development Day Workshop at the Official Language and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa.
  • Farzi, R. (2013). Maximizing Potential: Developing Can Do Statements for Language Proficiency.
    Invited presenter: Professional Development Day Workshop at the Official Language and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa.
  • Farzi, R. (2012). A Workshop on Writing Assessment for English Intensive Program Teachers.
    Invited presenter: Professional Development Day Workshop at the Official Language and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa.
  • Farzi, R. (2010). Introduction to IELTS.
    Invited presenter: Professional Development Day Workshop at the Official Language and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa.

Book Reviews

  • Farzi, R. (2021). Language teacher education for global Englishes: A practical resource book, edited by A. F. Selvi & B. Yazan. Routledge.
  • Farzi, R. (2016). Essay Essentials with Readings (7th ed.). Norton, S., Green, B., & Dynes, R. Nelson.
  • Farzi, R. (2014). Essay Essentials with Readings (6th ed.). Norton, S., Green, B., & Dynes, R. Nelson.

Courses taught

Graduate courses

  • BIL 5104
  • EDU 5188
  • EDU 5190
  • EDU 5242
  • EDU 5287
  • EDU 5384
  • EDU 6111
  • EDU 6241

DLS courses

  • DLS 2101
  • DLS 2102
  • DLS 3100
  • DLS 3101
  • DLS 3103
  • DLS 4900

ESL courses

  • ESL 1112
  • ESL 1113
  • ESL 2111
  • ESL 2112
  • ESL 2121
  • ESL 2122
  • ESL 2181
  • ESL 2221
  • ESL 2222
  • ESL 2341
  • ESL 2351
  • ESL 2361
  • ESL 2371
  • ESL 3011
  • ESL 3181
  • ESL 3363
  • ESL 3371
  • ESL 3373
  • ESL 3441

Communication courses

  • CMN 1148