- Social psychology of inter-group communication and inter-ethnic relations minority groups
- Social psychology of second and foreign language learning
- Cross-cultural psychology and acculturation
- Minority groups
Richard Clément
Member of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
Ph.D., Psychology, University of Western Ontario, 1976
M.A., Psychology, University of Western Ontario, 1974
B.A. (Honours), Psychology, McGill University, 1973
Room: 136 Jean-Jacques Lussier Room 5021
Bureau: 613-562-5800 ext. 4312
Work E-mail: [email protected]

Fields of interest
Awards and achievements
- 2015—Honorary Life Member, Canadian Association of Second language Teachers
- 2014—Fellow, International Association for Language and Social Psychology
- 2008—Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, Academy of Social Sciences
- 2003—University research chair: “Bilingualism and society”
- 2003—Fellow, American Psychological Association.
- 2002 - Robert C. Gardner Award (International Association of Language & Social Psychology)
- 2002—Otto Klineberg Intercultural & International Relations Award (Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues).
- 1999—Kenneth W. Mildenberger Prize (Modern Language Association)
- 1998—Fellow, International Academy of Intercultural Research
- 1989—Fellow, Canadian Psychological Association
Courses taught
- PSY1501 - Introduction à la psychologie expérimentale;
- PSY1502 - Introduction à la psychologie appliquée;
- PSY4530 - Histoire et systèmes de la psychologie;
- PSY5913 - Fondements de la psychologie sociale;
- PSY6946 - Psychologie sociale du langage.
Recent publications
Books edited by author:
- Fennell, R. & Clément, R. (Dir). (2017). Bilingual from birth: Process, pedagogy and policy, OLBI Journal, 8, 1-156.
- Clément, R. & Foucher, P. (Dir). (2014). Fifty years of official bilingualism: Challenges, analyses and testimonies, Ottawa: Invenire, 119p.
- Clément, R. & Andrew, C. (Dir.). (2012. Cities and Languages: Governance and Policy. Ottawa: Invenire, 124p.
Chapters in books:
- Clément, R., Bielajew, C., & Sampasivam, S. (2016). Towards a social neuroscience of intergroup communication. In H. Giles & A. Maass (Eds.), Advances in intergroup communication. (pp. 285–300). New York, NY: Peter Lang.
- MacIntyre, P. D., Gregersen, T. & Clément, R. (2016). Individual Differences. In G. Hall (Ed.), The Routledge Handbook of English Language Teaching. (pp. 310–323). Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
- Clément, R. (2015). Bi- and Multilingualism. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), The Concise Encyclopedia of Communication. (p. 46) Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
- Collins, K. A. & Clément, R. (2015). Words we use: Linguistic bias and prejudice. In R. Torres Cacoullos, N. Dion, & A. Lapierre (Eds) : Linguistic variation: Confronting fact and theory. (pp. 178–192). New York & London: Routledge.
- Sampasivam, S. & Clément, R. (2014). The Dynamics of Second Language Confidence: Perspective and interaction. In S. Mercer & M. Williams (Eds), Multiple Perspectives on the Self. (pp. 23–40). Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
Papers in refereed journals:
- Sampasivam, S., Clément, R., & Bielajew, C. H. (2016). The effects of outgroup derogation on salivary cortisol. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health,13, 616, doi:103 390.
- Ellyson, C., Andrew, C., & Clément, R. (2016). Language planning and adult immigrants in Canada: Contrasting the provinces of Quebec and British Columbia and the cities of Montreal and Vancouver. London Educational Review, 14 (2), 134–156.
- Noels, K. A. & Clément, R. (2015). Situational variation in ethnic identity across immigration generations: Implications for acculturative change and cross-cultural adaptation. International Journal of Psychology, 50, 451–462.
- Freynet, N. & Clément, R. (2015). Bilingualism in minority settings in Canada: Fusion or assimilation. International Journal of Intercultural Research, 46, 55–72.
- Rubenfeld, S. & Clément, R. (2012). Intercultural conflict and mediation: An intergroup perspective. Language Learning, 62, 1205–1230.
- Collins, K. & Clément, R. (2012). Language and prejudice: direct and moderated effects. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 31, 376–396.
- Piccardo, E., Germain-Rutherford, A. & Clément, R. (2011). Introduction. Synergies Europe, 6, 7–12.
- Shulman, J., Collins, K., & Clément, R. (2011). In consideration of social context: Re-examining the linguistic intergroup bias paradigm. Journal of International and Intercultural Communication, 4,310–332.
- Noels, K. A., Leavitt, P. A., & Clément, R (2010). To see ourselves as others see us: On the implications of reflected appraisals for ethnic identity and discrimination. Journal of Social Issues, 66, 740–758.
- Gaudet, S. & Clément, R. (2009). Forging an identity as a linguistic minority: Intra- and inter-group aspects of language, communication and identity. International Journal of Intercultural Research, 33, 213–227.
Papers and posters:
- Rubenfeld, S. & Clément, R. (2017). Intercultural mediation: Who is going to do it and how do we encourage it? Paper presented at the Culture and Diversity in the Armed Forces Workshop. Ottawa, May.
- Yim, O. & Clément, R. (2017). Attitudes towards code-switching among Cantonese-English bilinguals in Toronto: A qualitative study. Poster presented at the International symposium on bilingualism, Limerick, Ireland, June.
- Yim, O. & Clément, R. (2017). Code-switching attitudes: Identity and ethnolinguistic vitality among Cantonese-English bilingual. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Toronto, June.
- Boileau, K., Wan, C., Huang, V., Fiocco, A., Clément, R., & Bielajew, C. (2017). Cross-cultural analyses of stress biomarker rhythms in breast cancer survivors. Poster presented at the Interdisciplinary Conference on Psychology, Ottawa, May.
- Clément, R. (2016). Intergroup communication, adaptation and social harmony. Communication presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Psychological Association, Victoria, June.
- Sampasivam, S., Collins, K. A., Bielajew, C. & Clément, R. (2016). The effects of outgroup threat, opportunity to derogate and bilingualism on alpha-amylase levels. Communication presented at the 15th Conference of the International Association for Language and Social Psychology, Bangkok, June.
- Freynet, N. & Clément, R. (2016). Accent stigmatization among non-native French speakers in Canada: A qualitative study. Communication presented at the 15th Conference of the International Association for Language and Social Psychology, Bangkok, June.
- Yim, O., & Clément, R. (2016). Perceptions of code-switching in bilingual discourse: Preliminary findings. Poster presented at the bi-annual conference of the Official Language and Bilingualism Institute, Ottawa, April.
- Wan, C., Beal, R., D’Amico, D., Clément, R., & Bielajew, C. (2016). An investigation of the relationship between physiological and psychological stress patterns in a cross-cultural sample of women in Canada. Communication presented at the Annual conference of the International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology, Nagoya, July.
- Clément, R. (2016). Bilinguisme et identité en contexte. Guest speaker at Glendon College’s Forum de la francophonie torontoise, March.
- Clément, R. (2015). Trends and developments in the social psychology of bilingualism. Guest speaker at the social psychology section pre-conference, Annual conference of the Canadian Psychological, Ottawa, June.
- Noels, K. A., & Clément, R. (2015). Language and situated ethnic identity in the acculturation of immigrants to Canada. Communication presented à The 9th Biennial Congress of the International Academy for Intercultural Research, Bergen, Norway, June.
- Yim, O. & Clément, R. (2015). “I know I’m still Chinese”: A qualitative study on Chinese international student’s cultural identity. Communication presented at the Annual Congress of the Canadian Psychological Association, Ottawa, June.
- Noels, K. A. & Clément, R. (2015). Situated ethnic identity variation and cross-cultural adaptation and wellbeing in first, second and mixed generation Canadians. Commmunication presented at the 15th Conference of the International Association for Language and Social Psychology, Bangkok, June.
- Clément, R. (2015). Pourquoi apprendre une autre langue au Canada ?, Conférence donnée à l’ESPE de Meinau de l’Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, mars.
- Clément, R. (2015). La notion de motivation dans l’apprentissage des langues, Conférence donnée à l’ESPE de Colmar de l’Université de Strasbourg, Colmar, mars.
- Clément, R. (2015). Apprentissage des langues et interculturalité, Conférence donnée à l’ESPE de Meinau de l’Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, avril.
- Clément, R. (2015). Un regard sociopsychologique sur le multilinguisme urbain au Canada. Conférence donnée dans le cadre des cycles de conférences du CAREL de l’Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, avril.
- Clément, R. (2015). Identité, adaptation et apprentissage des langues. Conférence donnée au Groupe d’Étude sur le plurilinguisme européen de l’Université de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, avril.
- Noels, K. A. & Clément, R. (2014). Language and Situated Ethnic Identity: The Impact of Language Use and Language Competence on Situational Variations in Identity. Communication presented at the Annual conference of the International Association for Cross-cultural Psychology, Reims, July.
- Sampasivam, S., Collins, K. A., Bielajew, C. & Clément, R. (2014). Intergroup threats and retaliation: A social neuroscience perspective. Communication presented at The 14th Conference of the International Association of Language and Social Psychology, Honolulu, June.
- Collins, K. A. & Clément, R. (2014). The consequences of exposure to biased language on belief formation and member-to-group generalization. Communication presented at The 14th Conference of the International Association of Language and Social Psychology, Honolulu, June.
- Freynet, N. & Clément, R. (2014). Confidence as predictors of attitudes towards first and second languages in Catalonia. Communication presented at The 14th Conference of the International Association of Language and Social Psychology, Honolulu, June.
- Yim, O., Clément, R. & Bialystok, E. (2014). Cantonese-English code-switching in Toronto: Attitudes, perceptions, and practices. Communication presented at The 14th Conference of the International Association of Language and Social Psychology, Honolulu, June.
- Clément, R., Ellyson, C., Andrew, C. & Lemoine, H. (2014). The importance of multilingual cities: The Canadian experience. Conférencier principal, Séminaire international « Global cities and multilingualism » Universidad Complutense de Madrid, avril.