1107 1200 2281 3240 4100 4219 4300 4320 4335 4336
4340 4345 4355 4700            
PHS1107 Physiology I 3 cr.
PHS1200 Physiology 6 cr.
PHS2281 Physiology  
PHS3240 Mammalian Physiology (3,0,0) 6 cr.
A comprehensive study of mammalian physiology with an emphasis on regulating mechanisms. The course includes the biophysical basis of excitable tissues, and the physiology of the central nervous system, blood and cardiovascular system, respiratory system, endocrine system, G.l. tract and renal physiology. It is assumed that students have a basic knowledge of chemistry, physics and biology.
The course is directed to students whose main field of interest is Biology of Biochemistry but does not preclude students from other disciplines in Science and in Engineering. Information: Department of Physiology, Roger Guindon Hall, 451 Smyth Road.
PHS4100 Physiology and Mechanisms of Disease 6 cr.
Lectures and discussions of selected topics in pathophysiology. Students will need to have acquired an understanding of normal physiology and the concepts involved therein. Attention will be paid to review of the principles involved in normal physiology. This course will then focus upon the etiology of the diseased state and underscore the causes and mechanisms of deranged physiology, preventative measures and corrective therapy. The topics covered will include the cardiovascular system, the gastro-intestinal tract, the respiratory and renal systems, neuromuscular and central nervous function, the endocrine and reproductive systems.
PHS4219 Honors Research 10 cr.
The student will undertake a research project under the supervision of one of the professors within the Department.
PHS4300 Pathophysiology 3 cr.
Etiology of disease states, causes and mechanisms of pathology, preventive measures and corrective therapies.
Prerequisites: ANP1105, ANP1106, ANP1107.
PHS4320 Special Topics in Cardiovascular Physiology 3 cr.
Series of lectures and demonstrations covering cardiovascular physiology, with an emphasis on quantitative approaches.
PHS4335 Special Topics in Endocrine Physiology 3 cr.
Selected topics in endocrinology and the control of metabolic homeostasis in the whole animal including elements of the biological application of systems analysis.
PHS4336 Reproductive Physiology 3 cr.
Lecture and seminar course with emphasis on human reproduction. The course will cover various aspects of reproduction including gonadal development, ovulation, fertilization, implantation, pregnancy and parturition. The physiological basis of reproductive disorders and reproductive technology will also be covered.
PHS4340 Electrophysiology of Excitable Tissues 3 cr.
A lecture and demonstration course. Origin and methods of measuring bioelectric potentials will be considered,including voltage clamp methods for measuring current-voltage relationships across cell membranes, an introduction to cable theory, Hodgkin-Huxley equations and the action potential as a travelling wave. Control of ionic channels through biological membranes and the role of active transport across membranes as regulators of the intracellular environment will be considered.
PHS4345 Gastrointestinal Physiology 3 cr.
PHS4355 Renal Physiology 3 cr.
PHS4700 Pathophysiologie 3 cr.
Étiologie des maladies, causes et mécanismes des pathologies, mesures préventives et thérapies correctives.
Préalables : ANP1505, ANP1506, ANP1507.
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Last updated: 2014.04.01