In memory of Julie Morand-Ferron (1977-2022), an exemplary researcher

Julie Morand-Ferron
The death of Julie Morand-Ferron has devastated her family, friends, and the University community, particularly her colleagues, scientific partners, and students at the Faculty of Science.

As a professor in the Department of Biology since 2012, this remarkable scientist conducted research on the links between cognition (learning, memory, and decision-making) and natural selection. She began her career at uOttawa by receiving an Early Researcher Award from the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities of Ontario, a prize awarded to only the most promising scientists. And she quickly fulfilled this early promise of success. Her significant discoveries garnered internationally acclaim, as did her pioneering work on animal cognition, attesting to the impact of her research. Her research and publications reflected her wide-ranging interests, intellectual curiosity, and holistic approach to behavioural, cognitive, and evolutionary ecology. Her work is sure to inspire future generations of researchers for years to come. In addition to being an accomplished artist and communicator, Julie also held the University Research Chair in Cognitive Ecology.

This inspiring and passionate researcher will certainly be missed by the wider academic community.

The details of her funeral and celebration of life are published in this obituary (in French only).