Newman Lab named Health and Safety Leader for August 2024

Office of the Chief Risk Officer
Health and Safety
Health and Safety Leaders
Awards and recognition
Faculty of Science
Newman Lab, named Health and Safety Leader
We’re delighted to announce that the Newman Lab has been named Health and Safety Leader for August 2024

The Newman lab is one of the first in the Faculty of Science to develop an in-depth standard operating procedure (SOP) that includes lab expectations, procedures for high-risk processes, and risk assessments for potential hazards within his space. Additionally, he is one of the first professors to make the safety sections of the SOP required training for his lab, ensuring no entry until students confirm they have read and understood the material. This initiative increases health and safety awareness and culture within his spaces. 

We believe that recognizing and celebrating the achievements of individuals who embody the principles of Policy 77 can inspire others to prioritize health and safety as well. This award not only acknowledges the exceptional efforts of the recipients but also is a reminder of the University's commitment to providing a safe and healthy workplace for its staff and professors.

We extend our sincere congratulations to the Newman Lab and to the Faculty of Science!

We encourage all members of the University community to continue demonstrating a commitment to health and safety in their own roles. Nominate someone today!We look forward to honouring future recipients. Together, let’s work towards a culture of safety and ensure that the University of Ottawa remains a leading institution in prioritizing the well-being of its students, staff and professors.