November Award Winners

Awards and recognition
Faculty of Medicine Awards in Education winners at Ceremony with Leaders
In November 2024, several of our Master of Anatomical Sciences Education students were honoured at the Faculty of Medicine Awards in Education Ceremony.

Please join us in celebrating the following outstanding students for their dedication, leadership, and performance in anatomy education at the Faculty!

Awards for Excellence in Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE): Jessica Hurst
Excellence in Anatomical Siences Education award winner with leaders
Awards for Excellence in Anatomical Sciences Education (ASE): Jessica Hurst
Award for Excellence in Leadership in ASE: Emmeline Berger
Excellence in Leadership in Anglophone Teaching award winner with leaders
Award for Excellence in Leadership in ASE: Emmeline Berger
ASE Award for Excellence in Anglophone Teaching: Samantha Lane
ASE Award for Excellence in Anglophone Teaching winner with Leaders
ASE Award for Excellence in Anglophone Teaching: Samantha Lane
ASE Award for Excellence in Francophone Teaching: Dr. Meriem Merghem
ASE Award for Excellence in Francophone Teaching: winner with Leaders
ASE Award for Excellence in Francophone Teaching: Dr. Meriem Merghem
Faculty Award for Leadership in Graduate Studies: Rachel Piché
Faculty Award for Leadership in Graduate Studies winner with Leaders
Faculty Award for Leadership in Graduate Studies: Rachel Piché

Congratulations to all!