Strong uOttawa delegation will mark 100th anniversary of ACFAS

By University of Ottawa

Office of the Vice-President, Research and Innovation, OVPRI

Research and innovation
Tabaret Hall
The ACFAS, the largest organization of francophone scholars, is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year, and the University of Ottawa will be represented by a strong delegation at its large annual gathering.

Over 120 University researchers, from all faculties, will be participating in the association’s 90th conference, which will take place May 8 to 12, at the Université de Montréal, HEC Montréal and Polytechnique Montréal, with the theme “100 years of knowledge for a sustainable world.”

The many symposia in which researchers will take part also show the close links our research community has with francophone partners throughout Canada and around the world.

One symposium of note is organized by Emmanuelle Bernheim, a professor in the Faculty of Law, Civil Law Section, and Canada Research Chair in Mental Health and Access to Justice. She and doctoral candidate Marilyn Coupienne will discuss feminist and intersectional approaches to research on access to justice.

As for Stéphanie Gaudet, director of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Research on Citizenship and Minorities (CIRCEM) and professor in the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSS), she’s helping to organize a symposium on women’s issues in the university ecosystem. And Nathalie Mondain, a professor and director of the School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies, part of the FSS as well, will co-host two seminars, one about the participation of immigrants in their host society; the other on the research around the capacity to act and social support.

The University of Ottawa is proud of this large research community presence, which reflects our unwavering commitment towards the promotion and extended reach of French-language research.

This mobilization is even more significant given that uOttawa will be hosting the 90th annual Acfas conference in May of next year, marking a return to the nation’s capital of this major francophone scholarly conference for the first time since 2009.

See the ACFAS 2023 conference program (Only available in French).