This year’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) grants have been awarded to the following School of International Development and Global Studies (SIDGS) Ph.D students:
This year’s Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) grants have been awarded to the following School of International Development and Global Studies (SIDGS) Ph.D students:
Imagine this scenario: You are walking to SITE, and you come across a captivating sight—trees adorned with luscious, fully-grown apples. You pluck the ripe fruit from a branch and proceed on your way to work or class. Or perhaps you are strolling along the multi-use pathway and stop to grab a handful of fresh blueberries.
Imagine this scenario: You are walking to SITE, and you come across a captivating sight—trees adorned with luscious, fully-grown apples. You pluck the ripe fruit from a branch and proceed on your way to work or class. Or perhaps you are strolling along the multi-use pathway and stop to grab a handfu...
La Faculté de droit, Section droit civil, félicite chaleureusement Me Anne Thibault qui a tout récemment été choisie comme récipiendaire du Prix Ferguson 2023 pour son travail axé sur l’accès à la justice et l’approche holistique à la Clinique interdisciplinaire en droit social de l’Outaouais (CIDSO) en collaboration avec d’autres professionnel-les et étudiant-es en droit, sciences infirmières et ...
La Faculté de droit, Section droit civil, félicite chaleureusement Me Anne Thibault qui a tout récemment été choisie comme récipiendaire du Prix Ferguson 2023 pour son travail axé sur l’accès à la justice et l’approche holistique à la Clinique interdisciplinaire en droit social de l’Outaouais (CIDSO...
This bursary provides critical financial support to students pursuing graduate studies in all academic disciplines and help sustain the next generation of Canadian scholars, supporting their research and studies as they prepare to advance their careers in academia, government and industry.
This bursary provides critical financial support to students pursuing graduate studies in all academic disciplines and help sustain the next generation of Canadian scholars, supporting their research and studies as they prepare to advance their careers in academia, government and industry.
The rapidly advancing tide of artificial intelligence poses both a challenge and an opportunity to familiar methods of teaching at the university level.
The rapidly advancing tide of artificial intelligence poses both a challenge and an opportunity to familiar methods of teaching at the university level.
The researchers and clinicians behind the Candrive older driver study, have a new tool in hand to help screen a person’s risk of collision. As first of its kind, the tool provides an objective benchmark for collision risk, helping clinicians assessing aging Canadians' ability to keep driving.
The researchers and clinicians behind the Candrive older driver study, have a new tool in hand to help screen a person’s risk of collision. As first of its kind, the tool provides an objective benchmark for collision risk, helping clinicians assessing aging Canadians' ability to keep driving.