The past informs the present. As hard-won civil and reproductive rights face renewed threats, particularly south of the border, records of historical struggles serve as blueprints for action, reminding us that history is not just something to study but something to carry forward.
This is uOttawa
With close to a hundred universities in Canada to choose from, here’s what makes uOttawa different.

A love of French leads to the Faculty of Medicine
The weekly phone calls with her grandmother were no longer enough. After six years in Florida, Nina Kucheran felt that French was sorely missing from her life.

Yesterday’s women’s movement, today’s national memory

Experience the Francophonie at the Library
March marks Mois de la Francophonie! Celebrate with us at the Library and explore a variety of events and initiatives.

Register for our Open House on March 22
Attending a uOttawa Open House in person is a great way to explore the campus and get valuable information on life at university. Join us on March 22, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., to explore labs, residences, dining, and more! Meet students and professors, and learn about the next steps to choose the University of Ottawa.
Celebrate Mois de la Francophonie with French video games!
Join us every Tuesday and Thursday in March from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. during the Digital Capacity drop-in program at CRX as we showcase a different Frenc…
Learning with accessibility tools – note taking software
Sign up for our virtual workshop in collaboration with the Assistive Technology Mentoring Centre to review accessible notetaking tools. …
Making your bilingualism count
Workshop on the importance of bilingualism for employers and how to properly market those skills.
We’re here to help
Whether you’re a prospective student, current student, or member of the broader uOttawa community.